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Do it with pride!
Dublin Pride Parade is tomorrow ... a chance for Dublins' Lesbian and Gay community to stand up and be proud of who they are and let the world know it ... and anyone who isn't proud of 'em just stay at home!!!
I'm not one to put religion or politics on here... this blog is about my weight loss journey... but sometimes ya gotta just stick up for something thas good and gets a bad rap... the pictures will do most of the talking ...
Gay, straight, male, female, old, young, rich or poor, fat or skinny... we're all just people... and we're all struggling along on this big lump of rock, flying through space... and it's not easy!
I'm a hippy child... a lover not a fighter... My summer holidays were spent in banana plantations in Queensland... with an family who are into cabaret singing... gay folk have never registered on my rage scale... I just like people... all kinds of people... and as long as your choices don't effect me... do what you like... Now I don't mean that I'll turn a blind eye to something that's wrong... but someone being gay doesn't effect my lunch, shopping, my right to sing badly at karaoke ... being a pain as a human, certainly... your gayness doesn't make you less annoying than the straight people who bug me either...
Some folk just don't know how to accept 'different' ... In my class in school there were 28 different nationalities, the school was full of immigrating families... but Sydney was a 'new world' full of opportunities for young couples and families with trades... For me the 'norm' was mixed races learning from each other... for the first three years of primary school I had convinced everyone I was an Irish princess! Nothing changed there then... ;P
However when I went came to high school in Ireland... It was like someone had dropped me out of a UFO and kids just stared... they have never seen an Aussie before... I talked funny... I had much darker skin than most of em... and I had done things that kids here had never done... 'was everything upside down where I came from?' ... I was different... but I never had to hide who I was or pretend that I was 'normal' to fit in... Gay people don't have the same joy... and Dublin Pride lets them stand up and say 'I'm proud of who I am'...
Difference is what people fear... not just people being homosexual either ... but difference in general ... being deaf... disabled... obese... dyslexic... anorexic... geez even gingers get picked on... some people in the world just can't deal with difference or as they perceive it 'not normal' ... it's out of their comfort zone ... but it's up to us to teach the next generation that difference is good... difference is what makes life interesting... difference doesn't mean hate... learn from it... embrace it... I love my gay friends and family... but like all friends and family they get on me nerves too... and it's not because they're gay... its because they're people! Teaching children that the world is full of different people and different places, is a good thing... teaching them that there are people in the world who hate for arguments sake, is a good thing... teaching them that you can learn something from every single person on this planet, is an amazing thing... just because they don't look like you, love the same gender as you, can't hear, see, walk whatever... doesn't mean that they don't have something to offer you and the world...
If you're out and about this weekend and get a chance... pop along to pride and watch these people be proud of who they are .. be proud of Ireland, finally it might be getting to grips with it all and remember they'll always be the chosen few who will hate on everything... wave and smile at them... we're not going to be on this flying rock for long, don't waste your time getting angry cause someone else has better dress sense than you... or damn it better legs!
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