People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. ~Author Unknown
So its all over... spring in on the way and we're all focused on our goals again and WILL NOT be distracted by tins of roses or "just one" drinkie! This weight loss lark isn't easy we tell ourselves.. but you know what ... for most of us it is! We just lose sight of our goals, allow ourselves to be lead down a 'merry' path... but for those of us who have lost weight, the same weight.. over and over again... its just a matter of not losing the run of ourselves and remembering how we got here in the first place... grab a cuppa and see if any of these strike a cord!
1. First, start with the big picture. Write down your goals and be specific. What do you want to change?
Where do you want to be a year from now? Get it on paper!
2. Next, focus on the details. Every day we make dozens of tiny decisions that can spell the
difference between whether we lose weight or gain.
Do you pick the muesli for breakfast or the chocolate muffin?
Do you spend 20 minutes on the couch or 20 minutes on a brisk walk?
Small changes can add up to huge results.
3. Start exercising - no matter what your fitness level. Even if you can only shuffle to the end of the street,
you will gradually build up the distance and speed...
Don't compare yourself to others, just work within your limits
and take it slow and steady...
4. Eat breakfast. A wholesome breakfast makes you feel smug, satisfied and
determined to stay on track all day... trust me!
My favourite is porridge/oatmeal, livened up with grated apple and cinnamon,
or chopped banana, nom, nom, nom!
5. Be kind to yourself and your body. You don’t have to look in the mirror and chant, “I love me! I am beautiful!”
but at the same time yelling at your thighs won’t encourage
your weight loss efforts...
6. Make your treats miniature. Instead of banning dessert, choose smaller portions –
like an apple crumble baked in a ramekin dish or a small bar of
Green and Blacks chocolate... Get your sugar hit without dangerous leftovers!
7. Lift weights. It won’t make you bigger – it’ll make you svelte and strong!
If you’re worried about loose skin, resistance training is the best
thing you can do to tone your body as you lose weight...
8. Planning is crucial. Once a week, take ten minutes to plan your meals for the coming week.
I choose from a list of easy, tried-and-true recipes,
so it’s quicker to cook than phone for a takeaway!
9. Buy your groceries online. It saves time and you’re not tempted by all the sights and
smells of the supermarket... Or being tortured by screaming children.
10. Feel your emotions, don’t feed them. In times of stress it’s tempting to bury your feelings in cake –
better to feel bad about binging than tackle the real issue!
But try to find non-edible ways of coping – walk out your front door
for 10 mins... that way you have to walk home... 20 mins of walking done,
plus if you can't see the cake.. you won't eat the cake...
11. Go Greek. If you’re a cream or sour cream fiend, 0% or 2% Greek yogurt is an
excellent substitute. It's low in fat, protein-rich and incredibly creamy.
Dollop into meringue nests and top with fresh fruit. Splodge onto a bowl
of chilli... or swirl into butternut squash soup...
12. The best exercise is the one you enjoy. So what if your best friend swears by aerobics at dawn?
If you’re a shift worker or just plain grumpy in the morning,
this will never suit you. Choose an exercise you like and do it
when it’s most convenient for you – this way you’ll stick with it
and more importantly ENJOY it!
13. Stock your office pantry. It's much easier to ignore the vending machine when you've got half an
orchard sitting on your desk and a drawer full of oatcakes, nuts and seeds...
14. Have a cuppa. When hunger strikes and it’s not meal time, I make a cup of tea.
This gives me time to figure out if I’m really hungry or if I’m just
bored or cranky or upset. Herbal tea is great – experiment until you
find one that doesn’t taste like grass clippings!
15. Have a moan. Losing weight isn’t easy, but you don’t have to feel alone in the struggle.
Start your own blog, sign up for a message board, or join in the
conversation on a weightloss forum...
Remember, we’re all in this lardy boat together!
16. Put the scales in perspective. Don’t fret over small fluctuations – focus on all the healthy things
you’ve been doing for your body. Get out the tape measure or have a
pair of “measurement jeans”, so you’re not dependent on the scales
for feedback...
17. Be adaptable. Make your weight loss plans fit around your life, not the other way around.
Sometimes circumstances will change – a new job, a family crisis,
moving house – and suddenly your usual routine doesn’t work...
The trick is to be flexible and know when it’s time to tweak your methods...
18. Set a non-scale goal. Why not train for a charity 5k race or challenge yourself to do ten push-ups?
Focusing on fitness means I don’t fret about the numbers so much.
And those endorphins make me feel less inclined to go on a chocolate bender.
19. Accept that sometimes it’s going to suck. Despite your best intentions, there will be days when you fall into a
bag of crisps. But long-term success is about persistence, not perfection.
It’s picking yourself up when you fall, over and over again...
20. Don’t wait to be “skinny” to start living your life. If you have dreams of traveling or writing a book or learning to scuba dive,
don’t think you need a smaller bum before you deserve them. Something I have
only recently come to terms with is, life is happening right now
– so forget about your wobbly bits and jump right in!
And remember, its all about support so tell a friend or get a buddy on board and we'll all get there! I promise! Doll x