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Walk away...

Giving up in life is WAY too easy... I've been on the plateau now in Weight watchers for a while now... losing and gaining the same five pounds over and over... I've thought about giving up and taking a break from it all... I've even talked to my leader and friends in class about it, but I've been trying to lose this weight for YEARS, and every single time I have failed because I just walked away... 

It wasn't for me.. 

It's too hard... 

It doesn't matter anyway because no matter what I do I'll just fail anyway... 

I'll always be the fat friend... 

I'll always eat my sadness away...

What's the point? 

When I started Weight Watchers this time... I promised my leader, no matter what, I wouldn't miss a class... and I haven't... I've sat in class holding back the tears... I've sat in the car outside planning my escape before I even set foot in the door... But each week I give myself a good talking to...
You would think I'd be a better snap chatter because I talk to myself so much really!? 

Just go in... 

Face the music... 

It's not the end of the world... 

No one is going to judge me... 

It's OK to have a bad week, month, 6 months, year... 

It's OK to start again... 

You know what, I've left every meeting feeling SO much better, with a clean slate and heaps of motivation! Feeling especially stupid for the 15 minute melt down in my head before hand! 

Those little decisions every week to stick with it, walk through the door, pick up a new tracker and keep going are the ones that have got me here, over half way to my goal... walking away means you're walking away from your goal, walking away from a happier you! Who walks away from happiness!?

The further away you walk, 
the longer journey you have to get back to where you are right now... 

So this week, don't listen to the little devil on your shoulder telling you to 'not bother and go back next week, next month'... start right now, we can do it!


  1. You have done amazing. I can honestly say everything you have wrote i have been through it iv said all those things to myself. ur such an insparation to me and many more. Stick with it as my granddad would say. The hardest part is walking n the door. Been off all summer only cos my boys would not sit for class cant wait for thursday to get bk to it. Best of luck ul get there xxxxx Katie Fla

  2. You've done amazing & it'd be easy to walk away but you've come to far to give up now. I walked away a couple of months ago yet again and I'm right back where I started & more so I went back to class last Wednesday after reading lots on your blog. If I could have half your willpower I'd be very happy but this time I'm going to stick it all the way and get my gold card after the umpteened time rejoining for the last 22yrs. Yes 22yrs & never stuck it out for the gold one but I will this time. Thanks for all your encouraging posts.

  3. I'm not walking away. Needed this post today, thanks.

  4. Thanks again..Your great..cant seem 2 get back on track..its creeping back on and I know i need 2 take control

  5. I am on a plateau now (for the past 6 months), actually I've started creeping up again, and I know that I have to get back to classes. I had been going in and feeling exactly as you described. Then about 5 weeks ago I stopped going in. I've been doing the same thing, saying I'll go back next week etc etc. I really like that line about the further you walk away from your goal the further you have to get back. I'm about halfway to goal, and I worked hard to get here and I don't want to throw it all away.

  6. Oh Doll, this so true but we must continue. Together we can do it !
    Like Donna I have been around a few years (about 20!) and every time I have put on and more if leaving the W W so I have said to myself that this is it, This is the year and next for me to make
    it! No more excuses. Hope you got back to the swimming ? it's the only thing I miss after leaving the gym for walking outside instead, rain or shine (mostly rain here too). Lets hope we can do this together. Love reading your posts and the help for SP on certain foods. Can't always find them in the UK but like to see them anyway. Thank you Doll ! xx


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