Since I've spent the last 4 days dining on beer and bratwurst... my 49 extra PP are a thing in the WAY distant past...I'm going to have a couple of light days to see if I can repair any damage.. ahem... before weigh in ... seriously though.. -2°C and snowing in Hamburg there's not a lot of salad on the menu! So I made the best choices I could, soups that weren't TOO creamy, got rid of the bread basket as often as I could and lots of veg with dinner. Its hard to point things when you're not cooking and every morning there's continental breakfast sculpted out of cheese waiting for you! These next few days, I'm gonna lighten up.. literally! I'm keeping my points as LOW as possible so here's few of my tricks..

Breakfast - Egg white omelet
Don't underestimate this as a filling breakfast, all you need is a bit of extra time and a little planning! Fry some onions (caramelised onions are delicious with this too!), grill some mushrooms, tomatoes, peppers whatever takes your fancy and season, you can even use veg left of from the evening before!.. Seasoning is where this becomes a winner, if you're brave enough a little garlic salt, I'm all for lashing of black pepper, its personal taste, thyme, rosemary a little chilli the list is endless.. but the big trick here.. is to WHISK! Get those eggs light and fluffy... won't do those bingo wings any harm either! The more air you whisk into them the more volume, the bigger your breakfast! We all know we eat with out eyes so the couple of minutes whisking can mean getting a bigger plate out of the cupboard! If you want to have that golden colour but without the added points of the yolk, add a little mustard, it colours it up perfectly! If you feel hard done by, or can't throw the yolk away (my mum thinks its criminal!) then add the yolk, you still have a big breakfast for 1 or 2 pp!

My other 0 pp saviour is Sugar free jelly... this again can be cast aside into the "too much hassle" aisle but hear me out.. First - go get your favourite cocktail/ wine/fancy glasses... see, already you're looking more grown up! I use powdered sugar free jelly and I use only enough boiling water to dissolve the powder and then finish the instructions using 7up free, sugar free lemonade, sprite zero, any of those 0 pp lemonades. Hey presto.. sparkly jelly!! Here's where you add fruit (not pineapple or it won't set!) but berries, satsuma slices, whatever takes your fancy.. get creative! You can even make different flavours and layer them in colours, I've already got my lime jelly in for St. Patricks day! In a couple of hours I guarantee there will be requests! Every time I make this I use different flavour jellies and fruits and hubby looks all forlorn! Followed by the usual "are you allowed to eat that on WW?" bless!

Here's a great blog to inspire called the Jelly shot test kitchen, she's got some great mixes together! And remember there's no great cooking skills required to make jelly, do it before you go to bed and hey presto the next day all ready and waiting!

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