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Apr 27, 2011

PPPOTD - Going Crackers...

"Animal crackers, and cocoa to drink
That is the finest of suppers, I think
When I'm grown up and can have what I please,
I think I shall always insist upon these."
Christopher Morley

OK .. so your vice is bread... and lets be fair.. its not the bread that's the enemy it the yummy toppings we put on it.. toasted with cheese... relish and ham... crusty loaf with cranberry jelly & brie... yum yum yum... a good diversion is to go crackers! Listed below are a few of the many out there and they are all basically the same value in ProPoints.. but some fair better than others for your health... with a bit of laughing cow light and some Marmite... you'll dodge the crisps and other savouries in favour of a few of these.. and coming into summer some fancy crackers in your lunch box with baby tomatoes, pickled onions and other goodies make a nice change...

First up an old favourite... TUC crackers.. there are 1 pp per cracker.. lay it out.. and look at it.. 1 (ONE!) per cracker... I challenge anyone NOT to devour half the pack.. like Pringles, once you start... you can't stop.. You've been warned..

Oatcakes.. these are delicious.. and very filling and more importantly healthy, made with 88% oats, these with some low fat hommous are a YUMMY lunch alternative and will leave you feeling full...

Snakz (for those down with the kids.. groan) are very deceptive.. they are half the size of a regular cracker and still 1 pp each! They have a lot of additives & salt in them, again very moreish you wont' stop at one ...

OK.. these family/party ranges of crackers are a bargain for something different... coming individually in snack pack size they're great for lunches ... 1 pp per cracker, 4 pp per snack pack... worth it considering you'd spend 4 pp on 2 slices of bread... PLUS You can get creative with toppings and a massive salad... Again be sensible, too much salt isn't good for you or weight loss... I love the tomato ones...

Guaranteed to be the nations most popular crackers... again there are clever choices to be made with these... obviously the "low fat" versions have less fat, and the wheat ones have more fibre.. they're all 1 pp each so the WW bank balance won't be affected but your body might be.. if you have the choice .. choose wisely.. and hey you might find a new fav!

OK... Carrs water biscuits were always the ones brought out when visitors came for munchies.. these little gems are quite delicious! (not like the cardboard we complained about as kids!) Both the Original and Cheese Melts are 1 pp each, making a total of 20 ProPoints per box, the cheese ones are fab! For those with a savoury tooth, buy a box, put them in the office or on your desk and when that craving comes for a bag of crips just nibble on one and you're laughing! The Original Table water Biscuits are (buy the ww calculator) 0 ProPoints!!! I KNOW!!! 14 per box.. and there's LOTS of munching to be done there...

Bottom line... choose wisely, try something different, and experiment, lunch doesn't have to be a limp ham & cheese sandwich... Doll x

Apr 20, 2011


Life is like an ice-cream cone, you have to lick it one day at a time.
Charles M. Schulz

This is an EXCELLENT example of how reading the labels and taking the low fat option can save you MASSIVE ProPoints... I was in Marks & Spencer, and decided to get us dessert.. we're not really dessert types but it was part of their "dinner for €12.50" deal so why not! ... Here's the difference between their "Count on us" DOUBLE chocolate Sundae and the full fat TRIPLE chocolate version...

The TRIPLE chocolate Sundae is 13 ProPoints (9PP per 100g)

The "Count of us" Double chocolate sundae is 5 Propoints (4pp per 100g)

This is a MASSIVE 8 ProPoint savingto be made, having the SAME dessert, just making a WISER choice.. YES I tasted the full fat version.. in the interest of research, don't you know and it was exactly the same in fact the low fat one tasted lighter and fluffier.. it was too heavy for me... So choose wisely ... Doll x

Apr 19, 2011

WW UK Cookalong #1 - Lemon & Sage Chicken

So for those who are doing (or are cooking it during the week..) here's my stab at the Cookalong Challenge! On the menu... Lemon & Sage Chicken... YUM!

So ... here's how it went..

6.30 pm kick off!

All the ingredients... (link to recipe above!)

Chop 2 onions...

Use your spray oil...

Brown them in the pan for 5 mins.. then add 2 cloves of garlic and cook for a further minute...

Spread onions and garlic in the base of a roasting tin...

Add 500g of potatoes...

and 8 chicken thighs...

3 Tablespoons or approx 12 leaves of chopped sage...

Add 150ml of dry vino & same of chicken stock! (apparently this is a glass!!!! eek!)


Ready to go...

In the oven for 50 mins Gas Mark 5/109˚C/375˚F...

Veg in the steamer...

50 mins later... TA DA!

Diners gave it a 4 stars... (I went a bit mad on the lemon.. oops) def one to make for a gang... you just assemble and leave it in the oven to cook, leaving you time to be the hostess with the mostess! Easy peasy! Doll x

Apr 18, 2011


So... this weeks meeting was all about Easter.. we propointed some eggs... felt VERY smug ... AHEM ... and our leader decided to breakdown what Easter really meant.. (for the non religious amongst us!)

Firstly.. How long is Easter?? For some its the kids holidays? for others its an extra long weekend.. for more its just getting through Easter Sunday itself... Remember.. Easter is just a holiday... Saturday is still Saturday... your outlook on Easter can decide how you will feel once the chocolate season has passed and your hopping (rabbit style!) back on the scales!

E - Enjoy or Endure
So what's it going to be... Norma No Mates... "I can't enjoy Easter because I'm ON A DIET" ... well um.. no actually you're eating healthily... you can either enjoy Easter and get on with life or sit back and sulk that everyone is having more fun than you... oh boo! A chocolate egg shouldn't determine how you feel over Easter...

A - Allow or Avoid
You can ALLOW yourself an Easter Egg or just avoid them at all costs... if you're buying them for people .. treat yourself to something YOU would like.. a new nail polish .. a couple of lush magazines that you never get... an Easter present doesn't have to be made of chocolate...

S - Save or Squander
If you DO want an egg... how are you going to fit it into your weekly eating plan? Are you going to SAVE the ProPoints you need.. or are you just going to eat it and worry about it when you step up on the scales next time? Oh the frustration... you're UP because you didn't plan it out right... you squandered your ProPoints and didn't bother to track.. now look.. urrrgh! A few extra exercise ProPoints plus a few smart lunches and a latte or two less, means you HAVE the budget to sit back on Easter Sunday and ENJOY yourself, be it with a chocolate rabbit or a hot cross bun!

T - Treat or Threat
Don't see Easter as an ALL or nothing... if you're having a treat .. have a treat... work it into the programme.. maybe you're heading out for a special Easter Sunday Roast dinner... don't see it as a huge obstacle to be undertaken... you know its coming... you can plan for it.. both this week and the week after... if you're having a big lunch... plan an Easter egg hunt that involves a good long walk after ... everyone will benefit from it... Easter wasn't sent to haunt us!

E - Eat Well or Eat Badly
The choice is yours.. its pretty clear.. you can eat well.. or you can eat badly... a chocolate egg shouldn't be enough to push someone off the rails... Easter Monday.. is still a Monday.. not a chocolate feast!

R - Reward or Resentment
... and depending on your attitude.. you're going to feel one of these when you step on the scales next week... you will be happily the same.. and have enjoyed your week.. or you'll be angry that you let one day... ONE DAY.. rule the entire house for a week and you lost control... choice is yours..

Happy Easter Doll x

Apr 17, 2011

PPPOTD - Breakfast Bars...

A woman is as old as she looks before breakfast.
Edgar Watson Howe

Another spate of "bars-on-the-go" - All the Alpen "light" bars are 2 ProPoints each. Careful with the Nature Valley bars the breakdowns for some varieties are for 2 bars not per bar (weird huh?) REMEMBER ... these are "on-the-go" .. stuck in traffic.. slept out... NOT for breakie every day!

The Alpen "Light" Range - All 2 ProPoints

Tesco Apple Cereal Bar - 2 ProPoints

Nature Valley Roasted Almonds - 5 ProPoints for 2 bars...
(I'd point per bar at 3 ProPoints each)

Nature Valley Mixed Berry - 3 ProPoints per bar

Nature Valley Canadian Maple Syrup - Also 5 ProPoints for 2 bars

Nature Valley Fruit & Nut - 3 ProPoints per bar