Instagram Feed


Apr 28, 2016


HOW IS IT MAY!?!?! How did that happen!!? One month to Summer... and the heatwave we're gonna have yeah?!?! May's Instagram photo challenge is up, you can find me >>> HERE <<< !

Join in everyday or whenever your remember! The more the merrier... just remember to use the hashtag #WWPHOTOADAY so we can all have a snoop at how you do it! 


Apr 26, 2016

ChillyMoo Frozen Yoghurt!

It's coming into the ice cream season.. it is... no really... we've been promised another heatwave!!!! Sigh... still who doesn't love a bit of ice cream?!?!

Spotted these frozen yoghurts from ChillyMoo in my local Supervalu in both 120ml and 500ml tubs!
There are 3 flavours available I've SmartPointed the 120ml tubs below...
Anyone tried them out? 

ChillyMoo Frozen Yogurt, Mixed Berry 120ml - 6SP

ChillyMoo Frozen Yogurt, Strawberry 120ml - 5SP

ChillyMoo Frozen Yogurt, Banana & Strawberry 120ml - 6SP

Apr 25, 2016


When you feel like quitting... read this out loud... 

How many times have we all had to 'start again'? 
Don't... just don't, we all have bad weeks...  don't let one bad meal end your journey... 
Don't give yourself permission to derail because you had 'one bad day...' there will always be bad days, and there will be good days that can put you off plan too but that's called life... We celebrate and commiserate with food, it's a global thing, we sit down and share our day with the people we love over dinner, we wake up happy to start the day with them over breakfast... and just because we fall down, doesn't mean we should stay there... every time you quit, you only have to start again because you never really wanted to stop... and why stop and start when you can just get up, dust yourself off and keep going regardless of whats happened in the past.. 
just keep going... it's going to be so worth it!

Apr 21, 2016

More than a number...

So... anyone who follows me on social media knows that last week I hit a very significant bench mark on my journey... I have lost 10 stone... I have lost over 6 stone with my current leader and she has no idea how grateful I am to her for supporting me on this journey... but how did I feel? Honestly... I felt relieved I was down... You see, I'm not at goal yet and the fear is still there, in the back of my mind, that I could put it all back on... I've lost lots of weight before and gained it all back... I'm sure when I get to goal there will be tears... but the scales is still just a number... and I have celebrated so many other victories that the number isn't important yet, as I get closer to goal it will be... So many people I know were thrilled for me... and I am so proud of of what I've achieved, and it has not been easy... not just losing the weight but the mindset that's come with it... my best friend got all teary and did a complete Oscar speech on Skype that I nearly just cut her off... and it's not that I'm not happy... 10 stone... 140lbs ... 64kg is massive... it's nearly two Victoria Beckams! But the emotional moments for me have been the normal daily non scale victories...

The day the belt closed on the plane without the extension I fell apart... it took me the entire 55min flight to calm down and compose myself... and god love the air hostess she really wasn't expecting such a melt down from someone saying 'it's OK I don't need it any more...'  *wails*  but I just felt normal and that felt SO good... I never have to ask for that again... I never have to sit in an airport for two hours before a flight and worry that some air hostess isn't going to be kind and subtle, and just slip me the belt extension... and it's embarrassing enough to have to ask for it without the terrible experiences that can come with it but that never has to happen to me again... the relief of that makes me teary just typing it!

I get my bloods checked every month, last month when I got the results, the nurse took out my file from 10 years ago... in 2006, every single thing was highlighted or in bold on the page, they might as well have printing it on florescent paper! This month... only 2 things... I sobbed with relief when I saw the pages side by side... Thankfully the nurse understood and she praised me to high heaven.. it has been hard work... it has been difficult... my body doesn't cooperate with me... but I was so teary afterward I couldn't find the car! My blood pressure is 'textbook'... my cholesterol is 2.9... I can now just decide to walk places if I want to and not feel sore, sweaty or uncomfortable or worry about what people will say when I get there... and I've still got another 6 stone to lose!

Thinking about the Bridge Climb in Sydney this year... I well up every time I go online to the website... The thought that I might actually be able to do it gives me butter flies, or maybe that's just vertigo and nausea?! What if I do it and am perfectly normal and fine??!!! Watch for the headlines... 'Sobbing woman winched from bridge in a heap because she feels normal!' I hope they have tissues at the top!

I suppose the thought behind this post is don't get hung up on a number from an inanimate object that doesn't know how you feel in your own skin... Today, I was on one of the FaceBook groups and a mum was about to throw in the Weight Watchers towel because the scales hadn't moved again... when her daughter came down and hugged her and said she could close her hands behind her back... THAT was the moment that made her think... Yes... it is working... those are the victories to look at when you feel that the number on the scales isn't what you wanted or hoped it would be...

Remember, what you weigh first thing in the morning and last thing at night can vary up to 6/7 lbs! Weigh a glass of water... then drink it.. You'll be up... the scales is an inanimate mechanical object that will weigh whatever you put on it... it might seem silly to say it but sometimes we focus too much on THAT number and not on how healthy and happy we feel!

This also means I'm purchasing only waterproof make up from now on... between this journey and The SuperVet.... sigh...

Apr 19, 2016

Spirit of Summer from M&S...

Summer is a-comin' ... woo hoo! 
That means BBQ goodies and dips are already appearing on the shelves... 
Here's a selection of the 'Spirit of Summer' dips available in M&S... 
Note the tubs vary in size, so I've SmartPointed them per tub... 

Bring on the heat wave!!! 

M&S 'Spirit of Summer' Tomato Salsa, 200g tub - 6SP

M&S 'Spirit of Summer' Sour Cream & Chive Dip, 230g tub - 32SP

M&S 'Spirit of Summer' reduced Fat Sour Cream & Chive Dip, 230g tub - 13SP

M&S 'Spirit of Summer' Cooling Mint Yogurt Dip, 170g tub - 9SP

M&S 'Spirit of Summer' 3 Salsa Selection, Total portion is 210g  - 8SP
Charred corn salsa 70g - 4SP 
Roast pepper salsa 70g - 2SP
Tomato salsa 70g - 2SP

M&S 'Spirit of Summer' Chunky Guacamole, 170g tub - 10SP

M&S 'Spirit of Summer' Piquillo & Red Pepper dip, 170g tub - 7SP

M&S 'Spirit of Summer' Sweetcorn Chilli Dip, 170g tub - 6SP

M&S 'Spirit of Summer' Sweet Chilli Dip, 170g tub - 18SP

M&S 'Spirit of Summer' Spicy Malagueta Chilli Dip, 150g tub - 29SP

Apr 18, 2016

People who get it...

This might seem very obvious ... but how many people don't understand why we want to lose weight?
Nine times out if ten its not a number on the scales... it's being able to throw on a sleeveless dress in the summer and not feel crap about yourself... it's being able to try something on in a shop and not have a complete meltdown... It's about walking out the front door and not having to double and triple check that your lumps and bumps are covered... Even if those close to you don't get it.. you have to surround yourself with those who do... First place you'll find them is in your class... I don't see any of my fellow classmates all week, maybe in the supermarket but we don't hang out together... Yet, every Wednesday we take an hour to ourselves, spend our money on wanting to feel better about ourselves and we can talk about our weight loss journey, the ups and downs... we can calculate Smartpoints in things... ask questions that will get answers and learn tips and tricks that just might be the one thing to give us that little boost that we need and no one ever leaves feeling like they can't do it... I learn something new at my meeting every week... from my leader or from the other members... recipes, new products that are low in SPs, tricks to stretch my points... 

if you don't go to a meeting, there are so many amazing groups you can join, FB, Instagram, twitter, Snapchat.. you can surround yourself with other people doing the same journey and when you feel a bit low you've a world of support at your fingertips... so don't feel like you have to do the journey alone... you don't... if you're loved ones think 'you're lovely the way you are...' but you aren't happy, then find the support somewhere else until they realise that you really mean business! 

Apr 11, 2016

Age is not a number...

If you think you're too old to do something...

You're wrong... dream big! 

You've got this...

Apr 5, 2016

Cottage Delight Cooking Pastes!

I'm always on the lookout for a handy curry paste if I'm 'starving' mid week! ... these little 100g jars look the business... These 3 flavours were in my local SuperValu...
Anyone tried them yet? Let know! x

Cottage Delight Red Thai Curry Cooking paste per 100g jar - 5SP
If using as a dip or marinade per 15g serving - 1SP

Cottage Delight Thai Mussamum Curry Cooking paste per 100g jar - 7SP
If using as a dip or marinade per 15g serving - 1SP

Cottage Delight Korma Curry Cooking paste per 100g jar - 12SP 
If using as a dip or marinade per 15g serving - 2SP

Apr 4, 2016

Clear your mind...

Ever wake up thinking...

it's too hard... 

I'll never lose all this weight... 
I'm going to be this size forever...

Losing weight is all about your mindset... 

this morning say... 

I CAN do 10 mins walking... 
I CAN do squats while I'm hanging out the washing... 
I CAN drink 8 glasses of water...

because you CAN do it... really you can...