The 'Cook it Your Way' is the latest cookbook from Weight Watchers, and I'm a bit smitten with it at the moment as it gives you a breakdown of the ingredients... there's a guide for Gluten Friendly recipes, High Carb, Low Carb, Veggies and all the Filling and healthy ingredients are (like the main books) highlighted in green...
AND ... there's a table that lists every recipe via it's PP value,
so if you only have 7 PP left... you can quickly see what you can whip up!
From breakkies to takeaways to desserts... there's a little something for everyone...
well worth a look through if you're at a meeting! AND I've got one to giveaway! So... *drumroll*
What day of the week is the Weight Watchers meeting
in the Scouts Den, Bunting Road, Walkinstown, Dublin 12 on?
I can't make it TOO easy!
I can't make it TOO easy!
You'll find the answer >>> HERE <<<
Comment the answer below and if you have trouble commenting you can post
your answer on the Facebook page >>> HERE <<<
All the names will go in the hat by midnight tonight and I'll post the winner on the FB page!!! Good luck!