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Everyone is on a journey... life is a journey if you want to get all philosophical about it... but everyones weight loss journey is different... 'My friend Joan loses 2lbs every week... it's not fair... ' sound familiar... This week remember everyone is different... Everyone loses and tones up differently... and you can't compare yourself to anyone else because you're YOU!

I've often stood in line at class and silently eye rolled...  'WHAT is she doing in Weight Watchers?!?! she's GOT to be a size 10!...' then felt all sorry for myself that I had ONLY lost a half pound...  I don't know where she is on her journey... it may have taken her years to lose 10 stone and her goal is just within reach... don't say you haven't done it too!

Whether it's 10lbs or 10 stone... it's entirely relative and very personal... 10lbs to one person can mean goal... to another it's a size smaller in clothes... someone else might be able to come off medication because they're getting healthier... 

So I urge two things this week... Stop comparing yourself to everyone else... focus on you... your health... your shape.. and how YOU feel... it's YOUR journey... and no one elses... 

And be kind to others who are struggling... you don't know where they are on the road to success... we all need support no matter where we are on the road but one thing is for sure... if we all support each other... we'll get there! x

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