Because the weather has gone mental on us and the Bank Holiday looms... a little giveaway to cheer you up!
The 'Cook it Your Way' is the latest cookbook from Weight Watchers, and I'm a bit smitten with it at the moment as it gives you a breakdown of the ingredients... there's a guide for Gluten Friendly recipes, High Carb, Low Carb, Veggies and all the Filling and healthy ingredients are (like the main books) highlighted in green...
From breakkies to takeaways to desserts... there's a little something for everyone...
well worth a look through if you're at a meeting! AND I've got one to giveaway! So... *drumroll*
The 'Cook it Your Way' is the latest cookbook from Weight Watchers, and I'm a bit smitten with it at the moment as it gives you a breakdown of the ingredients... there's a guide for Gluten Friendly recipes, High Carb, Low Carb, Veggies and all the Filling and healthy ingredients are (like the main books) highlighted in green...
AND ... there's a table that lists every recipe via it's PP value,
so if you only have 7 PP left... you can quickly see what you can whip up!
From breakkies to takeaways to desserts... there's a little something for everyone...
well worth a look through if you're at a meeting! AND I've got one to giveaway! So... *drumroll*
What day of the week is the Weight Watchers meeting
in the Scouts Den, Bunting Road, Walkinstown, Dublin 12 on?
I can't make it TOO easy!
I can't make it TOO easy!
You'll find the answer >>> HERE <<<
Comment the answer below and if you have trouble commenting you can post
your answer on the Facebook page >>> HERE <<<
All the names will go in the hat by midnight tonight and I'll post the winner on the FB page!!! Good luck!