So.. T'is the season etc etc.. and its all about celebrating... So... are we going to lose the run of ourselves? just leave it and start again in January - sure isn't that what resolutions are all about? feck the scales.. and sure won't that leader just throw her eyes to heaven in dismay with all the drinkies we've been having over the last couple of weeks... its suppose to be a magical time but it can really leave you frazzled! So here's some tips to help you through...
Use a little care and planning so when you hop onto the scales in January you will still be celebrating!
If you're going to a buffet, plan to have a low pro-point day, before you go out have some ZERO PP soup or vegetable curry and when you get there go for the colourful things, salad, prawns, ham, chicken, beetroot - you'll have a massive plateful for very few points...
Realise its only one day.. the shops open again on the 27th... you're not feeding the french foreign legion! Make a list and stick to it! Otherwise you're left with a house full of tempting food!!!
Organise your surroundings... Buy foods like chocolate as close to Christmas as you can! A gal in our class bought the selection boxes in October and has already polished off three that were "hidden" from her children!
Eat plenty of fruit, salad, salmon and of course turkey! Christmas dinner is actually quite healthy, its just all the excess and over indulgence...
For the Nigellas out there... make your white sauces with skimmed milk..
Make some time for you.. its a mini break for everyone.. and having treats doesn't mean food! Relax with some "me" time have a long soak, try out your new make-up, do a mini manicure, you never know who might pop by!
Don't have your trigger foods in the house! If you know you won't sleep because there's a bag of Pringles in the cupboard screaming your name DON'T BUY THEM! If they're not in the house you can't be tempted!
If you're tracking - stick your tracker on the fridge in case you suffer "food amnesia" - it happens at this time of year!
and if you DO indulge, remember you're only human and tomorrow is another day, a longer walk and police your portion control between the parties does the trick..
Don't feel guilty... just get up.. walk out the door and keep going for 10 mins.. you have to turn around to come home again but there's your 20 mins done! Drag you're loved ones along with you and enjoy the fresh air!
And have a very happy Christmas ... Doll x