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Who's up for a challenge?!

I do love a good challenge and anyone who’s been following me for a while knows I’ve done many on the blog over the last couple of years... Whilst, everyone has really enjoyed them, and the losses have been phenomenal, the numbers just got too big for me to handle and it wasn’t fun for anyone anymore… (Lottery win please so I can blog full time!) 

I have been struggling over the last while… I’ve been losing and gaining the same 5lbs all summer and I need to get my head back in the game again… My Weight Watchers bestie and fellow blogger, John Q From 19st to 10K blog >>> HERE <<< were chatting and he’s feeling the same… 'What do you think about a challenge?’ he says … Absolutely! The more motivation in my journey the better, but how could we do it to include everyone and still make it fun? Well, we’ve had our thinking caps on and coming up tomorrow is the start of the ‘LET’S GET READY TO RUMBLE' challenge… 

It’s competitive… it’s dog-eat-dog... and cut throat! A bit of healthy competition really does work! The rules are - THERE ARE NO RULES! (Well, there’s a couple but it’s all good fun so no haters please!)

We also thought we’d make it interesting by putting our money where our gobs are! If there’s a winner, there’s got to be a prize right?! So we’re having a champions pot… When we weigh in and if we gain weight, it’s €20 in the pot… but if we lose we add €5! We were thinking the winner gets the money in tequila shots but the hangovers just aren’t worth it anymore plus who has those kinda SmartPoints to play with!? One of our all time fav Weight Watcher people and amazing leader (ALL of her members have told me how fabliss she is!), Catherine Ryan, is currently going through her own challenge with breast cancer and we thought we’d donate our ‘Weight Loss Dollars’ to Breast Cancer Ireland on her behalf! John has set up a charity page, so even if you don’t do the challenge and you want to give to a very worthy cause... You can pop over  >>> HERE  <<<  and donate… Harassing family, work colleagues and strangers is allowed in the rules of this challenge! Remember October is Breast Cancer awareness month so you’ll be ahead of the game!

This challenge will end on the bank holiday weekend in October when another group of amazing people will be running the mini marathon in Limerick on behalf of this amazing lady! If you want to join in, head to the Facebook page >>> HERE <<< and show your support... if you can't get to the event then shake your pom poms or leave them loads of encouragement for the big event!

So #TEAMDoll and #TEAMJQ will be weighing in every Thursday with our results and we’ll both be posting our weight losses (!) and the challenges we've faced that week! Plus in the spirit of the challenge there will be plenty of smack talk and 'Conor McGregor' type gestures! (Although if you're going to throw a water bottle at someone, you MUST drink the contents first, it aids digestion and flushes out the toxins!!!) 

If you don’t want to give to charity, make it a healthy competition between you and your bestie… Maybe the loser buys the drinks at your halloween party, or treats you both to a mani/pedi... It could be a voucher for somewhere fancy or a cookbook you’ve both always wanted… It's totally up to you but it’s just another incentive to stay on track for at least 8 weeks and win something at the end of it! Plus the winner gets the prize AND all the glory… I'm thinking there should be a crown involved somewhere, leave that with me!

Tomorrows post will have the rules (THERE ARE NO RULES!) and the chart you need to commence battle! Choose your opponent well and lets smash the next 8 weeks! 1lb a week can be over 7lbs or 3kg gone for Halloween! 

#teamDOLL or #teamJQ ...YOU DECIDE!
Dun... dun... DUNNNNNNN!

Back to school! #wwphotoaday

September! Back to school, back to routines and autumn is well & truly here... Sigh...
Plus the countdown to the big 'C' is getting underway... poor old halloween gets SO neglected! 

Anyhoo... the #wwphotoaday pic challenge is up on Instagram for September! 

Join in everyday or just join in on the days you like!
There's no pressure to do it all... don't forget to use the #wwphotoaday tag 
to share your journey, tips and have a good nosy at everyone elses! 

You can find me >>> HERE <<< 


You all know how I feel about buying local product and supporting your local businesses... 
Fresh and local are the best way to eat your food if you can... I've had this range on here before, back in the old ProPoint days, but just like Weight Watchers, Edelicious have had a little make over too! 
So here's the new SPs for the range! 

They are as delicious as the name suggests and are freshly handmade in Ireland... Each pack is 400g, so you'll get 4 portions out of each one! Compared to some of the over processed jars you get, these are streets ahead! Anything that lasts until 2019 in a jar in your cupboard really isn't good for you! The bolognese one is perfect if you haven't time to whip up a dinner... get our pasta on and 5SP for the lot! You wouldn't even have to share that! 

You can pick them up in your local SuperValu store in the Food Academy section... 


Edelicious Fresh Chilli Con Carne cooking sauce
per 100g - 2SP
per 400g pouch - 7SP

Edelicious Fresh Mild Coconut Curry cooking sauce
per 100g - 4SP
per 400g pouch - 18SP

Edelicious Fresh Bolognese cooking sauce
per 100g - 1SP
per 400g pouch - 5SP

Edelicious Fresh Satay cooking sauce
per 100g - 6 SP
per 400g - 22SP

Walk away...

Giving up in life is WAY too easy... I've been on the plateau now in Weight watchers for a while now... losing and gaining the same five pounds over and over... I've thought about giving up and taking a break from it all... I've even talked to my leader and friends in class about it, but I've been trying to lose this weight for YEARS, and every single time I have failed because I just walked away... 

It wasn't for me.. 

It's too hard... 

It doesn't matter anyway because no matter what I do I'll just fail anyway... 

I'll always be the fat friend... 

I'll always eat my sadness away...

What's the point? 

When I started Weight Watchers this time... I promised my leader, no matter what, I wouldn't miss a class... and I haven't... I've sat in class holding back the tears... I've sat in the car outside planning my escape before I even set foot in the door... But each week I give myself a good talking to...
You would think I'd be a better snap chatter because I talk to myself so much really!? 

Just go in... 

Face the music... 

It's not the end of the world... 

No one is going to judge me... 

It's OK to have a bad week, month, 6 months, year... 

It's OK to start again... 

You know what, I've left every meeting feeling SO much better, with a clean slate and heaps of motivation! Feeling especially stupid for the 15 minute melt down in my head before hand! 

Those little decisions every week to stick with it, walk through the door, pick up a new tracker and keep going are the ones that have got me here, over half way to my goal... walking away means you're walking away from your goal, walking away from a happier you! Who walks away from happiness!?

The further away you walk, 
the longer journey you have to get back to where you are right now... 

So this week, don't listen to the little devil on your shoulder telling you to 'not bother and go back next week, next month'... start right now, we can do it!


Lets face it sauces are the way forward... Spices and sauces are what makes the boring old veggies and chicken breasts a little bit more exciting!  Sometimes you only need a drizzle to make all the difference to a wrap or slice of ham! You can use them as marinades for your proteins, dips if you're going the picky food route or just dollop them on your lunch! Drizzle some of the Smoky Chipotle over a poached egg and you'll never feel the same way about poached eggs again! 

I spotted these in Tesco... I'm still eternally hopeful the BBQ will get another use this year! *SIGH*

Anyone tried them out? 


Hellman's American Smokey BBQ sauce 
per 15ml - 1SP
per 30ml - 2SP
per 200ml bottle - 16SP

Hellman's Brazilian Spicy Churrasco sauce 
per 15ml - 1SP
per 30ml - 1SP
per 200ml bottle - 9SP

Hellman's Australian Sweet Grill sauce 
per 15ml - 1SP
per 30ml - 2SP
per 200ml bottle - 13SP

Hellman's Japanese sticky yakiniku sauce 
per 15ml - 1SP
per 30ml - 2SP
per 200 ml bottle - 13SP

Hellman's Smoky Chipotle sauce 
per 15ml - 1SP
per 30ml - 1 SP
per 210ml bottle - 8SP

Hellman's Fruity Habanero sauce 
per 15ml - 1SP
per 30ml - 1SP
per 210ml bottle - 8SP

Hellman's Spicy Harissa sauce 
per 15ml - 1SP
per 30ml - 1SP
per 210ml bottle - 7SP

Dairy free spreads...

I hate avocado... I know, I know... many will unfollow in shock, but I've never really got to grips with the texture of it.. and I've tried the mashing, blending, spreading approaches but in it's natural form it's just not for me... So I really wanted to try the new avocado spread from Low Low when i saw it, hoping it wouldn't result in me pulling THAT face and whinging...  This new spread has all the healthy goodness of avocados without the messy mushy bits... stop judging me! 

Half an avocado is 5SP and a teaspoon of avocado oil is 1SP so it's really good for you and a very healthy oil to add to your diet... as is coconut oil which is all the rage now! Dairy free too!

You can cook and bake with them too, so I'll be trying these out on those new recipes from the WW Sweet cookbook!  Tangent: I'm baking a weekly 'Great British Bake Off' treat from the new WW Sweet cookbook to watch Mary Berry, CANNOT WAIT! (starts tomorrow, set record people!) 
So I'll be trying these out on those recipes too! 

Definitely worth a look at these if you can't say goodbye or really just miss butter... both are really creamy and do the 'melty' thing on toast... Just to compare, 10g of butter - 4SP

Anyone tried them yet?

Low Low coconut Spread per 10g - 2 SP

Low Low avocado spread per 10g - 2 SP

Go the extra mile...

You know when you think 'that's it.. I just can't do anymore... I've nothing left.. I'm knackered...' We're only fit for the couch or bed... well, we THINK we're only fit for the couch or bed! Honestly, there's more in the tank than we realise... When I had my Oprah 'aha' moment, I trusted an army officer, a stranger with my life for a week... I promised him I'd do whatever he told me to and he wouldn't make me do anything that I wasn't capable of... I whinged... I cried... I yelled 'it hurts' a lot... Swiftly followed but 'I don't want to' temper tantrum mode... I was full of it, telling him everything I can't do... but by the end of the week... I realised I was capable of so much more that I ever thought... 

At one point he told me I had to do 100 crunches... I actually laughed at him, which was quickly followed by terror when I realised he wasn't joking... I couldn't do 10 crunches let alone 100... I was super morbidly obese... walking hurt! This fella had officially flipped... Did the army realise they've got a bunch of crazies in there?! But he believed in me, so as far as he was concerned it was going to happen... even if it took all day! He sat on the ground holding my fat ankles, and counted... I kept up the 'I can't do it... it hurts...' until I got to 55... FIFTY FIVE... and it clicked... not only did I think I could I do it... but I started to believe I was going to do it easily... Yes it hurt but it wasn't life or death pain... most of it was mental torture to be honest! 

Life is all about self belief... he already had faith in me... he knew I had the strength to just get it done but I was letting all the little lazy voices in my head tell me I wasn't able... I wasn't good enough... I did the 100... and cried at the end...  I cried a lot that week to be fair... 

So this week, when you think you can't do something, don't listen to the voice in your head... push yourself that little bit further... because you can! We really can do so much more than we realise... 

Lets rock it this week

Rice & grains from Tesco...

Some new microwavable rices and grains available from Tesco... Handy to have in the cupboard as a back up, when life catches you out... throw in lots of veggies, some chicken or prawns, dash of soy sauce and dinner can be ready in a few minutes without ever going near the toaster!
Anyone tried these yet? x

SmartPoints values are for 125g, half of each pack...

Tesco, Thai inspired grains per 125g half pack  - 8SP 

Tesco, Brazilian inspired grains per 125g half pack  - 6SP 

Tesco, Mediterranean inspired grains per 125g half pack  - 6SP 

Tesco, Wheatberries Quinoa & Mung beans per 125g half pack  - 6SP 

Tesco, Pilau Basmati rice per 125g half pack  - 6SP 

Tesco, Wholegrain rice & Quinoa per 125g half pack  - 6SP 

Tesco, Blend of 7 Rice & Grains per 125g half pack  - 6SP 

Tesco, Wholegrain Rice with Haricot beans & Quinoa per 125g half pack  - 6SP 

Tesco, Bulgur wheat, green lentils & barley per 125g half pack  - 6SP 

Tesco, Red & White Quinoa with bulgur wheat per 125g half pack  - 7SP 

Savoury Snack Bites...

One of the clues in the #wwphotoday on Instagram last week was 'Sweet or Savoury' I am most definitely a savoury gal! Crisps and crackers are one of my main trigger foods, lets not get me started on cheese! I can't even walk down the crisps aisle in the supermarket if I'm not in a zone or I'll cave! I'm weak! Getting a savoury fix is just as hard as getting a choccie sweet fix! Some bags of crisps are over 20SP, so here's a range from Low Low called Snack bites, they're the little DIY jobs where you add the relish and cheese... great for a fix and perfect for lunch boxes, no mess or carting relish about in mini jars... The cranberry one is definitely my fav! Anyone tried these?


Note: The Cranberry version is a 60g portion

Low Low Snack Bites with mature cheese slices, multi grain toast & caramelised onion chutney, 
per 65g portion - 8SP

Low Low Snack Bites with soft cream cheese, multi grain toast and cranberry relish, 
per 60g portion - 6SP

Low Low Snack Bites with mature cheese slices, multi grain toast & roasted red pepper chutney, 
per 65g portion - 5SP

Low Low Snack Bites with mature cheese slices, multi grain toast & sweet chilli jam, 
per 65g portion - 8SP

Later = Never!

Anyone stuck in the 'I'll wait till...' zone... 

Anyone? Own up! I'm currently not going to my pool because the kids pool is broken and the ankle biters are all in the adult pool till school is back... even typing that sounds stupid!  The pool is open all day and it's not full of kids all day but I'm using it as an excuse to get out of swimming till it's empty again.. ridiculous! 

Excuses are the death of success... and we're all so good at them... a classic excuse is 'it's raining' it's ALWAYS raining here... how are we not used to it!?! As far as I know no one has dissolved in this country yet! 

We can do a lot of damage in 2 weeks, but if we're on holidays and enjoying it then it's all good... but lazin' around waiting for the next 'monday' to pass us by we'll never truly be back on the wagon and that's where the damage gets done! 

I've done this so many times... but this time even when I've been stuck, really stuck, I've not just abandoned ship... not any more because before when I decided I'd wait for the next 'Monday' to come along, I've gained every pound back and more! 

So, take a few baby steps today to just keep yourself afloat until you're back in the driving seat again... x 

Brunch club - Farmhill

Brunch Club is back! In my 'I've lost my mojo' phase I wasn't as sociable as I should've been, I'ma bit of a wallower, and you all know how much I love a poached egg so it was time to get back out there! Seriously I think it would be my death row dinner... I know...  So to kick start Brunch Club again we went to Farmhill in Goatstown... this is very close to where I live so I'm very spoilt! It's about 15 mins walk away from Dundrum Town Centre so if you're sick of the food court food, you can park here for free and really have something tasty and special! It's a stroll down to the UCD sport grounds too if you're thinking of walking it off first! A calorie deficit is always a good thing no?

There were three of us dining and it was a typical Irish summers day... wet and miserable...

There was a great choice, from the usual suspects as well as beer battered cod and a burger that I spotted whizzing past our table, which is on my list next time!

It's got a warm and cosy feel to it.. 

with loads of seating and you're not squashed up to your neighbours! 

If there's a gang of you, not a problem.. 

The glass all round the facade means there's a lovely light in the place 
and you can people watch or stare out at the rain from nearly every table!

You know when people are hungover and they just don't want to talk!  

Now, the food... 

Adapting the 'bacon and sausage' to become 'bacon and chicken' wasn't problem at all, 
complete with an egg & chips... Perfect hangover food!

The 'Farmhill breakfast' aka the full Irish looks like so... 
apparently the sausages were 'savage'...
lovely toasted brown bread too! 

and I, of course, went for my 'usual' ... poached eggs with bacon on sourdough...


Did it pass the 'is-it-runny-enough-Skinny-Doll-test'? Absolutely! I mean look at it!

It's a lovely spot in a lovely part of the city and well worth a look! 

You can find out more >>> 

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