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The fear...

Something I've been working on lately.. 
I'm a scaredy cat... I am... 

I'm full of the 'what if's?'... 
'people will think I'm shite' ...
 'who do I think I am anyway?' ...


I'm afraid... I've lost 10 stone and I'm afraid I'm going to put it all back on... 
I'm afraid I'm going to fail at this... 
I'm afraid that I'll look stupid... 

These thoughts alone make me feel stupid! 

Trying to get past it is SO hard but they tell me it's so worth it... 

I've caught a glimpse of it and it really is just down to confidence and not worrying about what the world thinks and honestly, the world is too busy trying to get on with their own lives to even notice what we're up to and the ones who do have too much time on their hands! 

We all know that saying, 'feel the fear and do it anyway.'.. Do something this week that scares you... 
Stand up for yourself... Say 'no' to someone... wear the white jeans! DO IT! honestly you'll wonder why you didn't do it sooner! 

Give it a try this week, if you will I will! 

Veggie crisps from Lidl!

Everyone knows I could leave a tin of roses open on my desk all year and only bother with them if I was eating mindlessly / annoyed / happy / sad / angry or fed up wit the world chocolate just doesn't do it for me... but crisps... ALL things savoury ... LOVE! I spotted these in Lidl, the bags are 100g so technically for sharing (Like people SHARE!) so the SmartPoint values are per 100g bag and also per 25g portion... Anyone tried them? x

Deluxe, Hand Cooked Sweet Potato Crisps with Chilli & Lime per 100g bag - 18SP
per 25g portion - 4SP

Deluxe, Hand Cooked Mixed Vegetable Crisps with Sea Salt, Garlic & Oregano, per 100g bag - 19SP
per 25g portion - 5SP

Deluxe, Hand Cooked Vegetable Crisps with Sea Salt, per 100g bag - 19SP
per 25g portion - 5SP

Keen-wah or Quinn-OH-AH?

Keen-wah, Quinn-OH-AH, however you pronounce it, is a nice alternative to rice and pasta sometimes, it's so quick to cook, high in protein and you can add all the flavours yourself with some herbs and stock cubes....

I spotted these in the supermarket this week if you're looking for something to have in the cupboard that's quick and one of these might be handy... Plus already flavoured for you! 

The SmartPoints are per half pack when it's cooked. They all vary in weight per portion! 

Anyone tried them?


Erin Mediterranean Veg Quinoa & Bulgar Wheat per 174g cooked serving (half the pack) - 5SP

Erin Roasted Vegetable Quinoa per 175g cooked serving (half the pack) - 5SP

Erin Spicy Tomato Quinoa & Long Grain Rice per 164g cooked serving (half the pack) - 5SP

Erin Curry Couscous per 140g cooked serving (half the pack) - 6SP

Erin Moroccan Couscous per 140g cooked serving (half the pack) - 6SP

Erin Lemon & Coriander Couscous per 140g cooked serving (half the pack) - 6SP

Never apologise!

I am an only child and in french we are called 'enfant unique' ...

Je suis enfant unique...  

My mum has been calling me a 'free spirit' since I can remember, it was a regular line she used at parent teacher meetings... as far as she was concerned when I was a kid, nothing was out of my reach until sadly I grew up, and my mind played games with me and I didn't believe her any more, I believed strangers, I though they were right about me, thought they knew me better than anyone else, even better than I knew myself and I doubted who I was... I believed these people even though they didn't even know me... 

This week, don't apologise for who you are! There is no one else on the planet like you... there never will be again and you have something amazing to offer everyone! You are unique, no one will have the children you have, no one will feel the love that you do for your partner, you are amazing!  

This week... be you.. wonderful, amazing fabulous you! 

Fruity Cocktails from M&S!

Everyone knows I love a good cocktail! If you looking for a 'cocktail' style dessert without the hangover, M&S have a range out of fruity flavoured cocktail inspired fruit salads! 

These would also be nice if you have any gal pals expecting a baby... 
it's the cocktail factor without the rum! 

It's basically a fresh fruit salad with a cocktail flavoured dressing, that you go all Tom Cruise over! 
Still waiting on the heatwave but turn up the heating and put on your flip flops and we'll feel like we're in Club Tropicana! 

Note: The weights are all different but I've SP'd them per pot! 
One is double the SPs of the other two so be careful! 

Spirit of Summer Strawberry & Raspberry Daiquiri Mocktail Shaker per 195g pot - 5 SP

Spirit of Summer Mojito Mocktail Shaker per 230g pot - 5SP

Spirit of Summer Pina Colada Mocktail Shaker per 220g pot - 10SP

The secret is...

If I had a euro for every single time I've been asked, 'what's your secret?' I'd be a rich lady with a pool boy! The secret is... there is NO secret! Honestly! I struggle just like every one else, there's no secret club of people who have lost weight with the manual on how it's done and we're not sharing with everyone. About a month ago I had a MAJOR wobble, I was going to take break from it all, weight watchers, blogging, life! I'd had enough and I wasn't enjoying any of it! But like many who succeed at any healthy lifestyle change I realised I just HAD to stick with it... I didn't give up, did I really want to go back to where I'd started and do it all again? I've done that before! It gets harder every single time! The thought of it fills me with dread! Even though I wobbled, I made sure I had people around me who could listen to me moan, pass me a tissue or give me the kick in the pants I needed... 

I have sat in my car at dawn, outside the swimming pool MANY MANY times talking myself IN and OUT of going inside. Now, I know I'll feel amazing after it, I KNOW it's good for me, but I've a list of excuses to draw from that would frighten you... 'my hair will get wet' well DUH I'm getting into tank of water! 'It's COLD...' it's always cold here whats new? ... Even now that I'm happy enough to WALK to the pool side from the changing room (it was the only time I ever ran!), I often use that as an excuse, if there's a kids class on I don't want them staring at the 'big fat lady'... seriously they're just trying not to drown! 

I have sat in the car outside my weight watchers class, talking myself into not going inside! There have been moments when I've started the car thinking 'I'll go home, have a treat, then start tomorrow, track like a demon and come back next week down LOADS!' Sound familiar? Ever happen? Of course not! The first thing we do is have a treat... for NOT going into class! I mean seriously! 

I still procrastinate... EVERYONE does but regardless you have to push through it if you really want it... because no one can do it for you... and when you hit that wall and it feels like being on a diet is never going to end, then sit down and take stock... think about the day you got on the scales for the first time... how you dreaded someone else knowing THAT number... and how you were full of determination... You can do it! It's just about how badly you want it... You've got to be prepared to make a plan, get wet walking in the rain, be up on the scales some weeks when you really don't feel like you deserved it... but the bigger picture is pulling up your knickers every fives minutes because they're getting too big (true story!)... someone you haven't seen for a while compliment you and not saying 'thanks pennys!' ... and have those little moments that make you think 'WOW'... the first time I got up the stairs with out needing a paramedic I did a double take... did I just do that? I'm not out of breathe, I didn't have to stop, I like this! 

Don't look for the magic pill, it doesn't exist... don't blame everything else on your health you're responsible for you and if you fall down don't stay there... keep getting up... you will get there but not by sitting in one place! xxx

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