Old packaging ...
“Meddle not in the affairs of the dragon; for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.” Anon
So.. since I'm now officially ahem.. drum roll please... 40 (eek!) ... I'm even more driven to get this weight off.. fat and forty.. not a good combo! We're aiming for FABULOUS and 40 thank you very much! I'm cooking one of my own tried and tested stir-fries.. you all know as much free veg as you can handle.. mangetout, spinach, peppers, courgettes, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes the list is endless.. and you can tailor it to be something you really love... Add your protein, again whateer takes your fancy.. chicken, tuna, beef, pork.. tofu, quorn... you can even add egg white! But the most important thing for stir fries.. are the spices and sauces.. I find this range from Blue Dragon (I've added both as they are currently changing their packaging) are great.. and this small sachet is only 4 pp and is loads for two people in fact I get two dinners and lunch the following day EASILY out of this packet.. The range varies so I'll point the rest as I go along.. but this one is a fav! Doll x
The new look..

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