Well .. it had to happen.. 2 engagement parties, a bump announcement and a 30th birthday... all not tracked! Much fun was had mind you but its led to a plus this week.. +1 lb... The clue is above... NOT tracked! As our leader says.. "if it goes in your smacker.. it goes on the tracker" .. many things at the above parties never made it.. hence I was in debt to my extra 40 pp from the off.. I know its not a major weigh gain and the trick here is to stay focused... Our leader was AMAZING! When you step on the scales its the end of the week.. when you step off .. its the start of another.. SO.. with 4 days of traveling ahead of me I stocked up at the meeting on some yummy bars.. and will be WALKING everywhere.. no escalators for me thank you very much.. Next week I WILL BE DOWN!
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