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Feb 15, 2018

Set back or step forward?

You know when you step off the scales and you just think 'feck this' ... 'it's not working for me' ... 'I can't do it' ... Every gain we have at the scales, every day we don't hit the 5k steps we promised ourselves, every small setback is just that... a small set back! Nothing more! It's not the end of the road, it's not a throw in the towel 'WW is rubbish and I'm just crap at life' moment (I have worn this tiara many many times BTW!)... it's just a setback... one of my favourite quotes is 'fall seven times, stand up eight!' You can't quit on you... you learn from where you went wrong and you keep going because when you stop trying, you stop caring about you... and as L'Oreal says 'you're worth it!' and you really are!

Success taste even sweeter when you know what it feels like to fall... 


  1. Thank you! I needed this today.

  2. Hi. well 2016 was alright. 2017 I put a lot back on, not a good year and now 2018 have started pretty shaky but hope to do better because I know I can. Thanks for keeping up your blog x

    1. I'm pretty much the same Maria... but we're not quitting and that's the most important
