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Jun 12, 2015


'How do you deal with the saboteurs?' sigh.. if I had a cent for every time I was asked that... 

There is only one way to deal with the people who don't support you and that is to go ahead and do it anyway... if you've made the decision to get healthy and feel good about you... then everyone else should be on board! It's hard losing weight... and you need all the support you can get! I've heard some really humdingers since I've lost weight...

You're losing weight too fast... 
um.. no... no I'm not... in fact I should be losing it faster... maybe I'm losing it too fast for you...

You're not as funny as you used to be...
ah the friends who are amateur psychoanalysts! What they mean is I'm not a willing audience for them any more? I'm still funny... I am... but I've found my voice under these pounds and I'm getting more confident about using it! If you meant I'm no fun because I don't enable YOU to over eat, I don't accompany you to the chipper making you feel better because I'm bigger than you, that you don'tt have the 'fat friend' to give you an excuse then I'm OK with that... We could be weight loss buddies instead of people who enable each other to eat crap!

I read in the paper that ProPoints  *insert diet plan here* was dangerous... 

You're doing so well ... one night off won't hurt...
I'm doing so well BECAUSE I know that one night might derail me! I'm in charge of my eating thanks.. not you! It won't hurt but it's not on my plan this week so 'no thanks' means NO THANKS! Don't take it personally... we can do lots of things that aren't food related!

So we can't go to 'XYZ' anymore because YOU'RE doing WW... 
I know I'm SUCH a spoilsport... of course we can, once in a while but could we not go for a walk, cinema, swim instead.. I mean BOTH of us would benefit from that!

OH so my cake isn't good enough for you anymore... 
OK so this wasn't the exact words but the tone was there... Think Mrs. Doyle from Fr. Ted... GO ON, GO ON, GO ON! Food pushers... Of course your cake is good enough but I'm trying hard to get this weight off... you know this... so how about hide the cake when I come over? I don't even like cake! I don't eat food to be polite anymore!

I'm SO happy for you... but you know 95% of people put it ALL back on... 
Cheers for that... *slow clap*

Sure you can start again Monday... 
I don't WANT to start again Monday... I want to keep on track! aaarrrgggghhhhhh

but the bottom line is I'm responsible for what I put in my mouth.. no one else... so are you! People will tempt you... and want to show you love with food... but you've got to show them you're in control now and you love them all the same... You need to do it for you and they can either sit on the benches being miserable because you're not miserable any more, or get their pom poms out and celebrate your successes!

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