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Thank you... x

I don't normally post these kinda things but it's bit of a milestone for The Skinny Doll today... This blog has been 'live' now for nearly 4 years... It took me months to make the initial posts public, despite being quite active on the American YouTube Weightloss channel... insomnia ya see... someone encouraged me to write things down cause apparently 'you're really funny...' so I wrote, thinking 'WHO on earth would want to read this tripe...', I'd lost my job, lost my friends, was over 8 stone heavier than I am now and couldn't see a light at the end of the tunnel... but someone pushed me to get it down on 'paper' and here I am... my little hobby going strong and life is so much better... to be honest there are still days when I doubt myself, then hit the 'publish' button and run, literally, out of the room... and regular readers know I only run between the pool and the showers! I regularly stop myself going up to bed, only to come back down the stairs to spell check a post for the 100th time! I nearly had a seizure the first night I realised that whilst I was asleep there were people reading my posts... Like my insomnia isn't bad enough! If you peep over there on the side bar... you'll see that the blog has hit a magic number... 

I KNOW!!!!

Now I know 2 million hits isn't anything special compared to some blogs but for little old me sitting here with insomnia working out ProPoints and recipes in the middle of the night, it is UNBELIEVABLE! This post is to say I'm very grateful... FYI I still haven't learned not to blog when I'm hungry! I would have never realised that my ranting, moaning, and downright scary posts would mean the same to others, but if anything it's taught me to surround yourself with like minded people who will be your cheerleaders because on the crap days, and we all have crap days, they'll give you the nudge to get back on track and that is priceless... I am very grateful to everyone who emails, comments, joins the challenges and supports me...

Page 'hits', 'likes' and followers on social media don't really mean so much to me, they can go up or down depending on the weather, how many annoying 'bake off' tweets you post, if you babble about nail polish too long people will follow and unfollow randomly and you're not going to be everyones cup of tea... plus sometimes its the posts I think won't be any good are the most popular! But the best thing, I've never told anyone about the blog, it's all be spread by word of mouth and if you needed it, you could find it when you googled... it's totally grown organically... and I love that... People email me telling me that someone in a meeting told them about it, I actually had someone in a class tell me to check it out one day! Made my day! People who know me, know I'm not showy at all, and whilst I may come across as gobby online I'm a very private person... So I've let it take it's own course and that's something I'm very proud of... 

The emails, messages and chats I've had with people, both publicly and privately, have meant LOADS... New friends here and abroad... they're just awesome... Many I haven't met but a wise word from a friend who knows how easy it is to de-rail, can turn a 'binge day' into a 'I've-tracked-so-perfectly-I-need-an-extra-halo!' kinda day! I don't think people realise how much a message can make someones day! Also to the two leaders who have got me here... two fantastic women who are truly inspirational... I wouldn't have kept going (like I didn't keep going for years!) without the pair of you... so thank you... 

This little benchmark means loads to me... My own family don't even know I have a blog, (imagine the number if my mother knew!)... it's all like minded people who are on journeys of their own that have made it so successful... I have spent years doing every 'diet', plan, club, shake, low carb, high protein, cabbage soup... every version going but it wasn't until I made it 'public', put it down in writing and was really accountable for what I was doing that things started to go the right way... gotta practice what you preach eh! And I still have a long way to go... there's another 6/7 stone to lose before I get to a place where I can think about a final goal and getting nipped'n'tucked... so you'll have to put up with me for a bit longer or at least until I win the euromillions... then my pool boy will type my blog whilst feeding me calorie-fat-free-zero-point-cupcakes...  

So as a little thank you, I have a Weight Watchers Pedometer and a €50 One For All voucher from Weight Watchers to celebrate... Answer the question in a comment below or comment on this post on the FB page >>> HERE <<< 


How old will The Skinny Doll Blog be in September?

Higher than 4... lower than 6! 

Names out of a hat on Friday 8th of May at 12 noon!

So yes... the blog will be 5 in September and I'll certainly be celebrating that with some fab giveaways and all round glitter throwing to show my appreciation, feck it I might even make a cake... but for now I would like to say thank you for all the support... for putting up with my nail polish addiction and keeping me on track... I'm 8st 5.5lbs lighter because of you lot keeping me accountable... (starting to sound a bit like Gwyneth now aren't I?) *clings to Oscar*

But seriously... thanks...


  1. 5?!!! I love this blog, keep up the good work! And well done on journey so far!

  2. 5?!!! I love this blog, keep up the good work! And well done on journey so far!

  3. Awwwww congratulations on hitting " 2 MILLION views.. wowsers :)
    you truly are an amazing, motivational, beautiful person inside and out Doll

  4. The blog will be 5 in sept. Love this blog it keeps me in track especially after a bad wk. X x

  5. 5. You say what I think every day about food about myself. You are a truly inspirational woman

  6. 5 this year!love this blog so useful now I'm back after having my baby!

  7. Well done! 5 years is amazing achievement, your daily info is encouraging to all 😊

  8. 5 and still going strong congratulations

  9. Congratulations on reaching 5 yrs! Hope u keep 'blogging' for a long time, I love reading your posts.

  10. Well done.5 years hope there are plenty more

  11. 5. I've been following but never commenting for 4 years and just want to say that you have been an inspiration to me. Thank you so much for all the advice, recipes, finds, motivation and realism. Keep up the good work!

  12. 5yrs! Congratulations and keep up the good work.

  13. 5! Can't believe its been that long. I've been following your blog for a few years now. Your posts have got me through some dark times! Good luck with the rest of your journey. I've no doubt you'll kick ass :)

  14. No. Thank you. Seriously. You have done so much more than you will ever know for so many people. The amount of times I've been stuck and googled and it led me to you. Or I'd have a shit weekend and you'd be here Monday morning, rearing to go with a subtle kick in the arse. Or when I joined WW way back when and you helped me understand it without ever having met you. THANK YOU. Thank you xxx

  15. The blog will be five years old. The same length of time I have been trying to lose weight. The weight keeps finding me again but your blog helps me to persevere! Keep up the good work. You are an inspiration and you are well on your way to goal!!

  16. Happy 5th birthday! Today was my second weigh in after I joined WW last week - delighted to say I lost 4.5lbs! This prize would really help me on my journey to a fitter new me! Happy 5th! ☺️

  17. 5 years old! what a fantastic achievement. Well done you. You should be so very proud! I Love your blog. <3 I love to see the new link pop up in my facebook feed. It makes my day!! Keep Writing. Maybe one of these days you could make a book out of it?! :-) You have a gift. Thank you for sharing it with us. :-)

  18. 5! Well done and well deserved! When I want to double check points you are my first port of call and when I want some motivation ditto. And huge thanks for the IG photo challenge, I am loving it and it really inspires me when I see everyone else posting their photos too.

  19. The answer is 5. And well done, I absolutely love your blog! It's the first place I come to check anything weight watcher related, like pro-points, recipes and just general motivation and good vibes! So thank you!

  20. 5, Thank you Skinny Doll I so look forward to checking your blog every day. You are a real inspiration.

  21. woohoo...congrats! well,deserved and you always make me smile! oh, and the answer is 5! x

  22. Thank YOU for being an inspiration to me! I just wish Id found you 5 years ago but you have certainly helped with my 7 stone loss with WW. As soon as I discovered our mutual love of nail polish, eggs benedict and all things sparkly, I knew we'd get on and I look forward to each blog and miss it when you're away! Keep up the great work, please!
    Janis x

  23. Answer is 5! Have been thinking of getting the pedometer so as to make sure I'm getting the full 10000 a day...18 months to the wedding so would love this.

    Thanks for being an inspiration. I've added a lot more recipes to the weekly meals since I came back to this site. We started out together and you're helping getting me on the right track.

  24. 5years
    I love your blog you really are an inspiration
    No matter how hard it has been you have shared the good and the bad with us and in doing so has helped us all on our journey
    Thanks for all the hints and tips
    We will get this done together

  25. The blog is fantastic. Check it out every day as it inspire me so much. Congrats. Answer = 5 years. Keep up the brilliant blogging.

  26. Oh my goodness, congrats to you!! Have lately snuck back to your blog (and WW!) - to be reminded how much fun as well as how inspirational you are. You really kept me motivated before and looking forward to the same again now. Thanks for everything, including the sausage pasta bake recipe which my family devoured the other night :)

  27. 5 years old... Happy birthday and congrats, couldnt get trough the day without this blog!!

  28. Anne Marie Mc AuliffeMay 7, 2015 at 12:32 PM

    Love the blog. You are such an inspiration to me! The answer is 5 years. Congratulations!!

  29. Love this blog too. Thanks so much for the inspiration. Def keeps me going :-)
    Answer is 5!

    1. My name is Caroline O'Riordan by the way!

  30. 5! Keep up the good work Skinny Doll. Celebrate your 5 years, you put a smile on lots of faces :-)


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