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Bring it... Motivation Monday!

One of the worst things you can do when you're trying to lose weight is give up over one bad day / weekend / weigh-in... Learning how to draw a line and put it behind you is one of the hardest things... we give ourselves SUCH a hard time... 

Life is to be lived... going around miserable isn't part of the bigger plan! Did you have cake at the weekend? Did you enjoy it? Then don't be hard on yourself... we all have wobbles... we all lose the plot after the pub and head to the chipper... but its only when you give up that you fall back into old habits and struggle and feel tired and miserable that we need to get tough on ourselves... 

Here is a line... 


Now step over it... and whats done is done, you can't change it and I hope you enjoyed every bit of it! 

And here's to a fresh start... planning and feeling well in your own skin and being kind to your body, so you can have another slice next week without all the guilt! 

Have a good week x


  1. I love this post, great motivation! I've recently been feeling like I want to give up and really struggling with my diet! I've recently wrote a post on joining weight watchers and my healthy journey so far, it's be amazing if you wanted to check it out.. thanks :) xx


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