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May 12, 2014

You are perfect.... Motivation Monday...

Yup.. you're already perfect... I swear... stick with me on this one... 

WHO defined perfection? WHERE is he? (it was definitely a 'he' right?) WHO says Elle is 'THE' body? Sure she's very fit and healthy... but she picks her nose, has bad hair days and spots... what we always see is the airbrushed version of her... all tanned and running down the beach like she's not dying for a wee... We're all perfect... and if we had the time and skills, we could photoshop ourselves to perfection too! You are unique! There is no one else on the globe just like you!

Yes you may dislike bits and pieces, and society says you must be a size whatever... but you're just making improvements to a body that is already amazing... it gets you about... it can laugh... cuddle... high five and so much more... you are making your life better by looking after yourself ...  but there is someone in the world today who would love to be YOU... they would love to get out of a warm bed on a cold May morning ... Tangent... WHAT is going on with the weather?!?

They'd love to be able to choose an outfit and head to work... they'd love to have long/short/curly/blonde hair... green eyes... be able to drive a car... cycle a bike...oh to sit for a few minutes and read a blog *coughs* or two... on an iPad... phone... laptop... 

For two minutes.. take a little look at your life and be grateful ... you can CAN get out of bed, even with creaky knees, you can get ready for the day... have a shower.. wear your fav lippy... and choose your breakfast.. not everyone has those privileges ... you ARE amazing and so is everyone else ... see.. told you were perfect... even on a Monday! 


  1. Thanks Doll, feel better about myself already :) x

  2. This is a great positive message and so very true.
