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May 26, 2014

Baby steps... Motivation Monday...

My leader said something last week that I probably only heard properly, PROPERLY, for the first time... 

'you didn't go to bed last night and wake up this morning 4 stone heavier...'

Pound by pound it went on... pants got tighter... bigger sizes were bought and the labels ignored, I used to cut them off so I wouldn't be reminded every time I put them on! Every Monday was a new start... it was raining, so I wouldn't go for a walk, sure I might dissolve... it didn't go on over night... So it's not going to come off over night either... 

Yes, we all go a bit mad at birthdays, on holidays, communions, weddings... but we didn't put on stones.. we put on a few pounds and promptly forgave ourselves and forgot it ever happened ... resigned ourselves to the fact that we just can't do it... 

Baby steps is the way to lose weight... you will have weeks where you'll lose 2, 3, 4 lbs... but the half pounds all add up... small efforts... an extra walk at lunchtime ... deciding to have half a slice of the office birthday cake instead of making a beeline to the kitchen to scoff a second slice... all these little decisions and choices add up ... and over time... they show... so this week... make little decisions that will get you slowly but surely closer to your goal... 


  1. I've gone to pot. Need to have a chat with myself, big time. I wish I could figure out why I can't do this - do I secretly want to be big, unhealthy, slow, heavy - no. So WHAT is wrong?! No matter what I do I can't seem to keep it going and it's driving me absolutely crazy. I didn't even want to read your blog because I knew I'd usually update about weight but this time I didn't want to answer to it. I hate that food has such a hold over me, I really do. I know I need to plan, and track, and prepare. I KNOW that. I KNOW it works. If I could just bloody DO it. x

    1. let me tell you whats up.. you have 3 little people.. and one big person to mind... they consume all your time... and energy.. you're being too hard on yourself... Food has controlled me since I was a child I think... its just something that you can't get rid of... but baby steps.. and you have lots of them around you... you'll get there... and you'll be even MORE awesome than you already are!!! Loves you xxx
