So for those who are doing (or are cooking it during the week..) here's my stab at the Cookalong Challenge! On the menu... Lemon & Sage Chicken... YUM!
So ... here's how it went..

6.30 pm kick off!

All the ingredients... (link to recipe above!)

Chop 2 onions...

Use your spray oil...

Brown them in the pan for 5 mins.. then add 2 cloves of garlic and cook for a further minute...

Spread onions and garlic in the base of a roasting tin...

Add 500g of potatoes...

and 8 chicken thighs...

3 Tablespoons or approx 12 leaves of chopped sage...

Add 150ml of dry vino & same of chicken stock! (apparently this is a glass!!!! eek!)


Ready to go...

In the oven for 50 mins Gas Mark 5/109˚C/375˚F...

Veg in the steamer...
50 mins later... TA DA!

Diners gave it a 4 stars... (I went a bit mad on the lemon.. oops) def one to make for a gang... you just assemble and leave it in the oven to cook, leaving you time to be the hostess with the mostess! Easy peasy! Doll x
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