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Jul 25, 2016

The fear...

Something I've been working on lately.. 
I'm a scaredy cat... I am... 

I'm full of the 'what if's?'... 
'people will think I'm shite' ...
 'who do I think I am anyway?' ...


I'm afraid... I've lost 10 stone and I'm afraid I'm going to put it all back on... 
I'm afraid I'm going to fail at this... 
I'm afraid that I'll look stupid... 

These thoughts alone make me feel stupid! 

Trying to get past it is SO hard but they tell me it's so worth it... 

I've caught a glimpse of it and it really is just down to confidence and not worrying about what the world thinks and honestly, the world is too busy trying to get on with their own lives to even notice what we're up to and the ones who do have too much time on their hands! 

We all know that saying, 'feel the fear and do it anyway.'.. Do something this week that scares you... 
Stand up for yourself... Say 'no' to someone... wear the white jeans! DO IT! honestly you'll wonder why you didn't do it sooner! 

Give it a try this week, if you will I will! 

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