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Breakfast muffins...

A quick recipe for you... We were chatting about these in class last week and I got myself a muffin tin to have a go at some breakfast muffins... Now I've made them 'Breakfast' muffins but if you get a bit creative you can make them all sorts of flavours... add any free veggies you like, or any protein you like and your still going to have a low ProPoint snack to munch on... There's no set list of ingredients or method, they're THAT easy...  so here goes

You'll need eggs... thankfully the Skinny Mums chickens are at full production now so I've lots to work with... I used 4 for my 10 muffins... 

The whisk them up, nice and fluffy... then season...

I also used egg whites... these will bulk up your eggs, I know someone who tried these in an omelette and used a tiny bit of mustard to colour the egg whites to trick her family... no one was any the wiser! Mustard is 0PP per tsp ... 

The trick with the egg whites is to whisk them so they're nice and fluffy, you're looking for volume... we eat with our eyes.. so it will bulk up the muffins for less ProPoints... 



Get all your ingredients together... and remember these are just for breakfast so I added mushrooms, sausages, tomatoes and some bacon, but you can add anything you fancy.. peppers, courgettes, chillis, onions, laughing cow cheese, ham, chicken, whatever takes you fancy... 

Spray your tin with oil then start to assemble... 

Then pour your egg mix over them and into the oven... 

Gas mark 4 / 350 F / 180 C for 30 mins and keep your eye on them...

and they'll pop out easily like this... 

Et voila! 


I did a couple in some fancy schmancy Christmas Muffin cases... so cute! You could make these in advance and put them in the fridge and Christmas breakfast could be ready in a few mins! You don't need a muffin tin either, a tray that you make cupcake/buns in is just as good and they'll look more 'party size' too! 

These worked out at 2PP each, that was counting the bacon, sausage and egg between the ten I made in total... Great for breakfast, lunch or even dinner... for those with a savoury tooth... one of these for 2PP beats a bag of crisps for 5PP any day! 


  1. I make these a lot but I add some cottage cheese to the egg mix & blitz with a blender - thickens the egg mixture nicely and adds a lovely cheesy taste. Pea, Feta & Spinach is a good flavour too (I use that one for snacks on the go) :-)

  2. I've made these too, but not for ages! I must try them again! My problem is that no one else really eats them, so I'm stuck with them morning, noon and night for a couple of days, and I get sick of them!



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