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Dec 23, 2013

and the oscar goes to….

So here it comes the end of 2013 and all the Christmas festivities… This kinda reads like an oscar speech but its all practice for when George Clooney brings me on the read carpet yeah?

On me way George...

I want to wish you all a very happy, safe and healthy Christmas… regardless of your weight or size… I hope you are spending quality time with the ones you love… you never know where we will all be this time next year so live in the moment and tell them you love them… blame the brandy butter but just do it… people like and need to hear how much you love them…  life is short… and as they say.. its not a dress rehearsal!

Regardless of religion or your beliefs, most of you spend this time with family… silly socks, karaoke and movies you'd never admit to watching at any other time of the year… these are the memories you will make… and the memories you have of loved one no longer with us… so cherish every second!! If there is someone you know who might be lonely or need a bit of company … take the time to drop in… send them a txt… have a coffee with them… it might make all the difference… and they'll be so grateful…  and if there's someone who you've fallen out with… argued with or just simply let fall off the radar cause you were too busy… make the effort… I've done it… its worth it! 

OK preachy bit over… 

To all of you who've done the challenges this year… commented… tweeted… and motivated me and my followers… thank you… the support on here is unreal and I'd be lost without you! This little blog started with me being very lonely and wanting some support on my journey and because of you lot I'm well on the way to goal… still a bit to go but even I can really see the difference … 

Says it all I suppose...

All the positive comments, the support and advice you give each other and even the way I now deal with the negative ones, just shows how much I've come on my journey and its a privilege to follow you on yours… there are some AMAZING losses on the challenges if I was to start naming people you'd be here all day and there's selection boxes to be opened people!

This year I could CHOOSE what to wear... NOT wear clothes JUST to cover my ass!

To my amazing new leader… Thank you for being the positive motivator that you are… facing the scales every week, even on the BAD …. VERY BAD weeks turns out to always be for the best… x

11lbs in total for the Christmas Challenge in Class..

Mr. Q over >>> HERE <<< with his motivational posts! the pics say it all…

The twitterati… the FB gang… and all the instagrammers who don't block me when I bombard them with the PROPOINT values of my daily dinner… cause its clearly FACINATING! ;)

To my AMAZING personal friends who drop the comments that they've been on here and read a post… you are FABULOUS!!! I love you all!

There are some changes coming to the blog in the spring time… more fun stuff and challenges to get to final goal … and there's a new twist to the WW program in the new year… I'll post about it when you've all come down from your Christmas sugar high! 

Don't panic you won't need to buy new cookbooks! Tangent: THAT was my biggest fear!!! Remember last time and it changed to PRO points not just points… HOURS spent pointing recipes!!! not this time!!! Its the little things… ahem… 

Have a very happy Christmas, remember its Christmas DAY not Christmas MONTH so don't go too MAD but enjoy every second and here's to a fantastic start to 2014! 


  1. You look so fabulous and so does Mr Q, I fell off the wagon big time but I am ready for new beginings in the new year and it is so easy to get started with you two as inspiration! Here is too continued success to everyone in 2014 and moderate restraint over Christmas :)

    1. You've always been on here… good or bad… and that's the whole point… Both john and I have had weeks when we've been up… MAJORLY up and we've just kick ourselves in the pants and got back to it… You've been amazing and we'll all be here in the new year up or down… Have a lovely xmas xxx

  2. Happy Christmas Doll :) You are beautiful and such an inspiration to all of us...
    Enjoy the holidays xxx

  3. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you too Hun. You're an inspiration to us all in more ways than you know. You're a true thinspiration! Xxx

  4. Doll I've said it before and I'll say it again. I think you are amazing and such an inspiration. Keep moving in the right direction in 2014. We help each other through struggles and celebrate each others successes. Thats they way it should be xx Lots of love going your way for the new year xx

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  6. You've done so well Doll, you and Mr.Q are my idols heading into 2014. I've a lot of hard work to do this year to get back to a healthy weight, so I will be here! Happy New Year xx

  7. great work. Thanks for your efforts.

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