Pâté is a mixture of ground meat and fat minced into a spreadable paste... there are many addition and variations... including vegetables, herbs, spices, and either wine or cognac, armagnac or brandy... Pâté can be served either hot or cold, but it is develops a fuller flavor after a few days of chillin' in the fridge... However being made with fat .. it's obviously not a good choice for those wanting to lose weight... there are some low fat versions on the market ... and if you really do love it.. as usual in moderation you can have it! Melba toasts are your best bet to keep the ProPoints low ... These pâtés are available in Aldi so they're good for your wallet too ... Doll x
Reduced Fat Brussels Pate - 6 ProPoints per 100g (full tub - 11 ProPoints)
Reduced Fat Ardennes Pate - 6 ProPoints per 100g (full tub - 11 ProPoints)
Ardennes Pate - 9 ProPoints per 100g (full tub - 16 ProPoints)
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