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Oct 17, 2017

Tricks & Treats from M&S!

You'll spot them at the checkouts, so just in case one of them falls into your basket... what?!?! That happens to real people!  

Marks & Spencer Zombie Owls
lime & blackcurrant jellies
per 110g bag - 20SP

Marks & Spencer Witches Fingers
crooked biscuits with fondant nail decoration
per 60g pack (5 fingers) - 12SP
per 12g finger 2SP
Diet maths! 

Marks & Spencer Spooky Ghosts & Vampire bats
Salted potato snacks
per 25g portion - 4SP
per 150g bag (you know it!) - 23SP

Marks & Spencer Freaky Frogs
orange, apple & raspberry jelly sweets
per 110g bag - 20SP

Marks & Spencer Super Scary Fizzy Spiders
blackcurrant & cola flavour jelly sweets
per 110g bag - 19SP