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Oct 31, 2014

Dear Rob... #weigh-in-4

Happy Halloween!! 

Now, first thing...  don't lose the plot this weekend... you wouldn't have all those sweets in the house normally so don't go crazy just because the little people are on a sugar buzz at the front door! And remember... I heard a rumour you can treat yourself with a Chinese or a glass of wine and not touch single sweet... no word of a lie! 

This weeks is a guest post is from Rob Partridge a funny and amazingly talented person who has lost 5 st 2 lbs to date with Weight Watchers! Anyone who followed the "Strictly Come Dancing' with Weight Watchers Ireland for charity, will have no doubt spotted his moves! I was only gutted I was away when he was throwing shapes in the finals in Dublin! Encore next year!!!

I hate that he has better legs than me too! ;P 

You can find Rob... 

Facebook >>> HERE <<< 
Twitter >>> HERE <<<
Instagram >>> HERE <<<

And his fantastic blog about movies, 
weight loss and so much more is >>> HERE <<< 

Dear Rob
by Rob Partridge

I always weigh up what I’m going to do, big or small, by looking at the pro’s and con’s.  I do, metaphorically, have a little angel on one shoulder and little devil on the other.  Sometimes the wrong one wins.  I’ve always been told that writing things down helps which is probably why I keep a journal/diary and why I still hand write letters to people.  With that in mind I thought I’d write to Angel Rob and Devil Rob and just let them know my feelings on a few things.

* * * * *

Dear Angel Rob,

We need to talk!

Remember a few years back when I joined Weight Watchers and you were all “Oh man!  Well done!  This is a brilliant step!” and you encouraged me week by week to point my food properly and I ended up losing five stone?  That was awesome!  Thanks for that.  Your support was incredible, needed and really useful.

Sadly though you made a few mistakes and it’s those we need to talk about.

When I say “It’s Tuesday, I’ve been weighed, I’m getting Chinese food!” on my way home from my Weight Watchers meeting your response shouldn’t be “Go for it Rob.  You deserve it.  Okay, so you were up but you thought about being good and after all it’s the thought that counts.”  No Angel Rob, no!  You should be saying “Hang fire big guy!  If  you’re having Chinese food then today just became a ProPoints day and not a Filling & Healthy day so you need to point the food you had earlier.  Why not finish the day on the filling & healthy and tomorrow we’ll do ProPoints and you can have the Chinese food without feeling the guilt?”

Angel Rob you could also suggest I use my weekly 49 but to be honest I’d rather you didn’t because as you well know I like to save those for treats.

Furthermore when I’m in a petrol station grabbing a coffee in the morning and I think “If I get a walk in later I could have that sausage sandwich!” you should be butting in and saying “Why not walk first then have the sandwich?” and if (when!) I argue with you then you should really stick to your guns rather than smiling and saying “Okay, well I won’t tell if you don’t!”  It’s sweet and all that but not helpful.

Angel Rob you need to start telling me to tell people.  Not verbally or to strangers because we both know from experience that that just lands us in trouble!  No I need to tell my journal or tracker.  Too many pages end up with question marks or big red X’s and some have #Fail! written across them.  If you’re my good little angel then you need to tell me that writing anything other what I’ve eaten is unacceptable.  

You need to back to how you were Angel Rob.  You need to go back to lowering and shaking your head slowly and sadly when I look at a doughnut that I don’t have the points for.  You need to smile at me when I choose fruit over a chocolate bar and you need to comfort me when I’m crying out to be good.  Yeah, I struggle sometimes but I’m five clothes sizes smaller and five stone lighter.  Focus on those will you please and encourage me to continue to do good so I can get rid of the rest of this unnecessary weight.

Yours with love,

Real Rob.

* * * * *

Dear Devil Rob.

I only have two things to say to you.

Fried rice is not the same as brown rice!
Go to hell!

Unfortunately yours,

Real Rob.

Great losses again this week! Chart below, again if I've missed anyone let me know! A couple more 7's added this week! Rocking it people! Woo hoo! 


  1. Down 1.5lb dis wk Skinny Doll... slowly n da right direction... thanks!

    1. Excellent! Will update the chart over the weekend! Well done! x

  2. Stayed the same this week. Not impressed...

    1. But you didn't gain and if you're like me it will show next week... hang in there... x

  3. Down 3.5lbs this week Doll. Great post as always :) x

  4. +3lbs. :-( A full week of being sick and miserable. Hopefully can pull it back a bit next week.

    1. That's just your body hanging onto everything to repair itself... get better first them worry about weigh ins... its a miserable time of year .. hope you feel better soon! x

  5. Down 2.5lbs this week Doll - the first loss during the challenge. Feeling motivated having re-instated my own little angel (we'll see what happens tonight at the adult's Halloween party uh-oh!)

  6. Thought I had posted last week but obviously didn't! Sorry about that. Down a pound last week and another pound this week! Feeling much more motivated now!

    1. apologies I might have missed you... I have weigh ins coming from every angle at the moment! I've added them in! well done.. slow and steady is the healthiest way! x

  7. Down 0.5 this week Doll... unexpected after the long weekend, but happy I got a minus :)

    Great post Rob.. I think we all have those little devils on our shoulders esp when we're in the shops, near the baked goods!! no? just me!! #oops

    1. Brilliant! well done... I still shout at brown rice when I cook it... LOL x

  8. Jelliebellie here.down 2 this week.only 9 to goal��.I seem to be an every second week loser!

    1. well done! I know loads of people like that who are really good and it doesn't show for another week! only 9 left! 2015 is going to be AWESOME for you! x

  9. Molly k here. Down one lb. Every little helps! Getting those walks in every evening helps.

    1. I'm now just walking out of the house and turning around after 15 mins... otherwise I'd hibernate! well done! x

  10. Down 1.5 this week slow and steady wins the race :)

    1. That's fab! baby steps is the key in my opinion.. Its taken me over 2 years... and it took longer than that to go on! well done x

  11. Shelly down 3lbs this week

    1. great loss... I think I missed your other weigh ins.. I've left them as 0 for now that ok? x

  12. Down 2 Ibs.. Back on track!

  13. Shelly down 3 lbs this week

  14. Another sts this week. . .

    1. but its not a gain after halloween!!! so well done! x

  15. For week 4 I STS, I'm ok with that, know what to do and thank god there's no rubbish left in the house afer Halloween! Well done to Rob, great post.

    1. Isn't he amazing! and yes no more rubbish in the house till Santa! x

  16. Hi im down 2lb this week :D horayyy my 1st stone!! x

    1. fantastic!!! well done! I bet you feel great! x and 2!! woo hoo! x

  17. sorry that was for Louise

  18. I was down a half last week, getting weighed tomorrow ..won't be a good one but onwards and upwards :-)

    1. I think after the bank holiday everyone struggles but its head down now for the party season! x

  19. Hi Doll, I STS for week 4, but with Halloween and a family party the weekend it's not too bad

    1. Thats great... with everyones house full of sweets and goodies you can lose the plot! well done x

  20. Down 0.5, this is going to be a slow process but down is down

    1. Exactly! every loss is a success... the weeks when we go mad and deserve to be up we beat ourselves up... the weeks we lose a half we need to celebrate it... its hard! well done x

  21. OK .. you asked for it... you can do two things.. you can throw in the towel and be up 2 lbs every week till christmas, which would be a STONE and extra stone and you'll feel rubbish over the holidays and THEN face the 'New years resolutions' nonsense with an extra stone or more to lose OR you can just say.. fine I had a good halloween... and now I plan to be down 5-7lbs for xmas... You can do it... don't let it spiral out of control or you'll feel even worse... now hang on whilst i get my good boots on! xxx
