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Jan 8, 2014

The old ones are the best…

"The good old days are now"
Tom Clancy

The good old faithfuls… Try just one off the list… 

Start moving…
You don’t need a gym membership or expensive workout program to get started, you just need to move! Put your kids in their buggy and go for a walk… grab the dog and hit the park…  Put on some music and dance around your house while you clean…  Leave the house… walk for 5 mins and you HAVE to walk home! Up it to 10 mins, 15 mins and before you know it you're flying around for an hour! Its a great way to stalk the neighbourhood too! 

Step it up…
Whenever you can find a way to get in extra steps during the day, do it! Park at the far end of the car park when you go to the shops, take the stairs instead of the lift, etc.  It all adds up, trust me! A girl in one of the classes I go to… can't get out to exercise at the moment so she carries each piece of clean laundry up the stairs ONE AT A TIME! Not even a pair of socks, one at a time! But she's getting her work out in… there really is NO excuse! You got a step in your house? then off you go...

Follow the 'One Mile Rule'...
If your errands are less than one mile away, walk instead of driving… or park where you can do all your little jobs within a mile radius instead of moving your car each time.

Dance at the ads…
Get moving during the commercials of your favorite TV shows… each break is approx 3 mins…  Dance, jump rope, run in place…anything that gets your heart rate up… a friend of mine, is as I would put it a Soap Queen! Monday night starts with Hollyoaks, Coronation Street, Emmerdale, Eastenders then another Corrie, and for each ad break, she does step ups on her yellow pages! He husband thinks she's a bit mad but she's getting exercise into her day and burning calories… smart lady!!! 

Strength Training…
Add in some strength training to help build muscle and boost your metabolism.  No weights?  No problem!  grab two tins of beans or fill up two water bottles and your good to go… any more excuses? Push-ups, crunches, and basic squats are a great way to tone your muscles using your own body weight. No equipment required! Do a few when you first wake up in the morning to get your blood pumping.. you all remember my LUNGE around the house day… if no ones watching… know what I'm saying… 

Don't eat anyone elses food! 
This is for the mums… You’re not a garbage disposal, so stop finishing your kids’ food! You know exactly what I’m talking about. That half a fish finger on their plate… that piece of toast they couldn't finish… All those extra calories add up over time… stop it! Tip: squirt some fairy liquid over it and its now inedible! Once I'm done in a restaurant I cover my plate with salt… even if I WANTED to eat it I wouldn't be able… 

Get rid of the junk...
It’s simple – if it’s not there, you can’t eat it!  Go through your cupboards and fridge and get rid of the junk food… This means all the goodies you know are there from Christmas… the fancy cheese.. the little box of choccies you got 'just in case' someone came over and you didn't have anything for them! all the things you know are bad for you and they will be screaming your name when temptation comes running and you just can’t seem to resist… if they're not in the house.. you're not going to go off track!

Eat more colors
Replace the junk with fresh fruits and vegetables.  Need something crunchy? Try raw carrots or cut up some bell peppers. Craving something sweet? Keep fresh fruit on hand for a sweet treat.

Don’t drink your fruit
I know juicing is all the rage right now, but skip juice and eat the whole fruit instead... You’ll get more heart-healthy fiber in your diet, and you’ll stay satisfied longer… a glass of orange juice is 1PP an orange is 0PP because of the way the body uses energy to break it down…

Keep a tracker…  
Keeping a food log helps control what you REALLY eat..  Write down how much you eat, and you’re more likely to practice portion control. It also gives you a better idea of what your eating habits really look like.  Do you skip meals?  Do you go straight for the ice cream when you’re feeling stressed?  Seeing these things in black and white can be a real wake-up call, and can help you see what changes you need to make.

Drink more water…
Make water your best friend. Besides quenching your thirst, water helps flush toxins from the body, aids in digestion, and helps maintain the health of your hair and skin… Water can also help alleviate hunger by making you feel full… a lot of the time you aren't hungry you're thirsty!

Drink water with lemon… 
Adding the lemon helps to detoxify the liver and metabolizes fat, so this can speed up your metabolism.. its a difficult habit to get into but its so worth it… 

Make a date...
You are more likely to stay motivated if you have someone doing this with you.  Find a friend to exercise with you, buddy up with someone in class, and make it a weekly (or daily) date to get together… even if you exercise alone… find a pal online you can be accountable too.. they'll check up on you and you can check up on them! its win-win

Get technical…
Use technology to help keep you motivated...  Sign up for e-newsletters from your favorite health & fitness sites, follow your favorite.. ahem.. fitness celebrities on Facebook and Twitter, (see what I did there? ahem.. ) or join an online fitness group for accountability and support… for anyone wanting some running motivation and inspiration check out @quinlivan's blog >>> HERE <<< 

Set goals
Start small, such as making it your goal to exercise three times a week or lose five pounds this month... When you reach one goal, set a new one... Work up to your big goals, and reward yourself when you reach each small goal – but not with food! Treat yourself to some new workout gear, or a massage… something just for you!

Try one of these this week… make it a New Years Habit… resolutions get broken... goals are achieved! 


  1. Hi, just wondering what are your thoughts re: staying on propoints instead of switching to new WW plan? Have issue with portion size so I think this is safest option - you think ww will discontinue this programme?

    1. Hi I hope you don't mind me replying, but I think the new plan is only aimed for the first two weeks.

      The idea is to keep tracking on ProPoints and you can use filling & healthy days too!

    2. I mean after the two weeks go back to propoint tracking!

    3. Celeste is correct… its just a kick start.. it's basically Filling & Healthy or the original Core plan… post incoming! x
