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Apr 27, 2012

Summer challenge week 2!

Firstly well done to everyone doing the summer challenge! Only half have weighed in so far but already we're down 36.5lbs!!! IN ONE WEEK! seriously good! and it seems you all rose to the water challenge! Its brill! I'm so proud! The chart is below...

This weeks challenge may be a little harder for some ... No junk food week - this can be take aways, sweets, just whatever your weakness is! Chocolate, sweets, biscuits, cake, donuts, muffins, pastries, white bread, chips, crisps, any fast food, nutella, peanut butter or other naughty spreads, ice cream, pizza, burgers, kebabs .. you get the jist! If you've got a weakness for it then its 7 days without it! Only 7 days.. but see how you feel after it… see how your body will change… not everything on that list is junk food but things like white bread can be the sort of vice that you just reach for whilst your thinking about what to have for dinner!

Junk food is exactly that.. junk, rubbish and no good for your body! With high levels of sugar, salt and fats.. there's no enzymes, vitamins or minerals which are essential for your health… its loaded with calories most of them empty ones.. how many times have you had some junk and then been hungry shortly after! We've all heard the warnings for obesity, diabetes and heart disease! I'm not here to preach! Plus .. think of the money you'll save! You won't get a bag of crisps for less than a euro these days! Put that in a money box over a year and see it mount up!

Here's an interesting blog to check out if you want to know about processed food and getting yourself off it...

and anyone who's read Micheal Pollans' work knows his two favourite rules are  "Eat all the junk food you want as long as you cook it yourself." And this one's weird because it's so blunt: "The whiter the bread, the sooner you'll be dead."

Some more of his rules I like are...
Rule 20: It's not food if it arrived through the window of your car.
Rule 21: It's not food if it's called by the same name in every language (think Big Mac, Cheetos, or Pringles).
Rule 32: Don't overlook the oily little fishes.
Rule 36: Don't eat breakfast cereals that change the color of the milk.
Rule 57: Don't get your fuel from the same place your car does.
Its all obvious but sometimes when you see it written down it clicks... sigh!

Over-processed food is bad for us.. this one week in detox, or maybe its shock, might make you realize just how many lattes you have.. how much sugar you put in your tea.. do you HAVE to have a biscuit with every cuppa …. you might read the side of the cereal box and realise its more sugar than substance... Is it a slice of toast when you get in the door from work just because you're starving … find your weakness and ditch it for the week! Don't forget your water… everyone has done AMAZINGLY this first week! *applause* Doll xxx


  1. Down 2lbs!,woohoo, love my water also tried a filling and healthy week!

  2. Would love to be part of your challenge! Can I be added?

    Drank gallons of water throughout the week but no change in weight. Better than being up though!

    In relation to 'no junk week' I am going to the cinema this evening with a large group. Any tips for nibbles??? I am planning on bringing a large bottle of water/diet drink. Any other suggestions?

    1. I tend to just drink water or a large diet drink when I go to the cinema but if popcorn is your thing, bring an individual bag just for you ... the popcorn you get there is seriously high! check...

      at least with a bag you know exactly what you're eating.. a small portion of mixed nuts would do.. but its same with a small pack of wine gums or a chocolate bar.. having your own portion means you can't overdo it! have added you.. enjoy the movie! x

  3. Hi SkinnyDoll,

    This looks like a great challenge, can I be added?? I usually weigh in on Thurs but will be tomorrow (Sat) this week! x

    1. Of course! I've added you.. check in when you weigh in and I'll add you to the blackboard! x

    2. Ok so didn't end up making it to ww on sat but will be back to my normal routine on thurs!

  4. This is a great challenge! I'm gonna do my best at it but i'm starting college exams so a few nervous breakdowns are expected.....I'll need my super sweet tea and chocolate (still within my ppts obvs!).....

    1. ooh exams! Stress! try your best and see how you go.. you'll need a fix for the late nights! Long as you're within your pp it's all good.. xxx

  5. down .5lb this morning!!! been very good with the water....@least the 2l a day and more when i was exercising!!! roll on week 2!!!

  6. Hi, Lbs2losedanson has lost 2lbs this week, yay! Switching to week 2 to catch up :-)

  7. Weighed in this morning at 143.8lbs meaning a loss of 1.6lbs this week!! Only 2.4lbsto go to a healthy BMI! 21st birthday this week though so a loss will be doubtful ;)


    1. well firstly Happy Birthday! 21 seems like light yeasr away now! enjoy every second! Secondly... YAY on the loss this week! Enoy your b'day and dont' worry about points and diets.. it will all be here when you get back! xxx

  8. sts for me, could be worse.............

    1. That's perfect! Better than being up!!!! Hang in there I was the same for two weeks running... then down! x

  9. Worked my ass off this week and it showed on the scales. Down 6lbs.

    1. Fantastic!!! Great loss!!! Must catch up with you for walks! x

  10. Couldn't make my weigh in today because of college exams:/ I think ill be down cause was v good and stayed with ur week two challenge:) might try make another weigh in during the week:) will this mean I've to pay for missed week because im changing my weigh in day to a different day in the week? Thanks :) hayley

    1. No you're allowed two 'holidays every 6 months so you should be ok.. go you on the junk food... most of us struggled! Check in on the next blog so I don't miss you x

  11. Up half a lb this evening.. Woops! It'll be gone next week!!

  12. -2 lbs for me. Found the sweet challenge tough - I failed! but I kept going with the water.

    1. Brilliant! You're not alone in the 'junk food camp'! It was a tough one wasn't it? Great with the water though... x

  13. Hey Doll, Am I too late to join? Sorry had pc trouble for the last fortnight. Stuck with the weightwatching and lost 1lb last week and 3lbs this week though! :)

    1. Hey Judy.. never too late to join in! I have added you and a great start of 4lbs!!! Go you! x

    2. Yay - Thanks a mil Doll! :)

  14. Week number 2 and down another 2lbs - only 1 more pound to go til I hit my challenge goal :-) Didnt stick to the no junk challenge this week. Had my book club and my TOTM was due so the junk cravings were in overdrive. I do like this challenge and will def give it a go just as soon as my TOTM is over.

    1. That's awesome ... only 1 more pound! Weall struggled with the junk food... we're surrounded! But at least we're a little more aware of it.. some day eh? Great loss this week missy! x

  15. Totally failed at the junk food challenge as expected! But I got a good bit of exercise done though and it clearly paid of despite eating all of my 49! Down 3lb!this is the closest i've been to goal since before christmas :D

    1. High five! down 3!!!! amazing.. and don't worry we all stage dived into the junk challenge.. still at least we kinda tried yeah?! eek! Great loss! x

  16. Week 2 and lost 2lbs, Delighted!!!

    1. Good stuff! How did you fair on the Junk food? x

    2. I cut out everything apart from a little bag of skips with my lunch :). Aldi are doing a special on seeds and nuts so I stocked up on them for snacks with fruit also

    3. then you did heaps better than the rest of us! Dead chuffed!
