As so many have asked for a sort of challenge as motivation seems a bit low out there, I'm starting the 7 Week Skinny Bunny Challenge here on my blog... I've done it for a 2 reasons:
1. Many of you Dolls have requested something to kick us in the pants!
2. I'd LOVE to be a dress size smaller for Easter!
Less of this...

and more of this!!!

In 7 weeks, it will be Easter, and how nice would it be to be 7lbs lighter if not more, remember 10lbs is a dress size! 1 pound a week is very achievable, that's half a stone!!!
So, if you're IN & wanna play, we'll work it like this:
1. Commit to do this.. the full 7 weeks... say it out load how much you're aiming for.. and log it on here! I'll upload a week 1 post tomorrow where people can sign up! Now you've said it.. we're willing you to get to your goal!!!
2. Drop by once a week and be accountable by reporting in here... if its lbs, inches or just how good you're feeling about your diet, let everyone know.. a small off the cuff comment could spur someone else on ... there will be a fresh post every Sunday to add losses and inches lost in the comments bit. I'll keep a running tab on how much we've all lost over all... We're all here to support each other .. right?
3. I'll be focusing on the weekly Sunday blog with inspiration, tips, etc...but, I'll also be sprinkling motivational quotes and willpowder dust, work out ideas, etc. throughout the weeks, too! We'll end on April 8, Easter Sunday!
It's totally do-able!
4. There will be a hashtag on TWITTER for those who hang out there #skinnybunny and I'll create a list if there's enough followers.. I'll also post it on Facebook for those who hang out there...
5. All ideas are welcome for mini weekly challenges, and I'll even throw in a couple of fun giveaways! Like I always say... we're all in this lardy boat together!
To get started... 4 easy steps:
No. 1>>> get brave. take your BEFORE photo. save it. print it. post it up. use it as a screen saver or wallpaper on your phone do whatever you need to keep you motivated & pumped up for your 7 week transformation! You don't need to show anyone if you don't want to.. but its nice to have the before when you've made it to the AFTER shot, and we all love a success story! A 7lbs makes a difference!

No. 2>>> take your measurements OR weigh in. OR both! I know everyone likes to keep track of their progress with one or the other. (or both).. another good way to measure your success is to squeeze into those jeans/dress/skirt that's JUST TOO TIGHT... and try it on every week as you lose weight it will zip up a lot easier! Again you don't need to share but if you do all the better! Just say how much you've lost and it'll go in the success pot!

No. 3>>> Start & KEEP a food journal! This is critical in your success! It's amazing how the things you put in your mouth directly effect how your 7 week challenge will go! Again you don't need to show anyone but if you fib... who are you really fooling? It doesn't have to be fancy and if you'd rather use an app or take pics of your meals even better... as log as you're keeping on track...

No. 4>>> Choose a workout that makes you happy.
Do it at least 3 times a week. Mix it up. But, MOVE! Get busy & work out, dance around the kitchen while you're waiting for the kettle to boil.. it all adds up!
I've been needing some extra motivation...so lets all be sexy bunnies for Easter & remember we're all in this together!
Doll x

Great idea il b joining in :-) gonna test myself these next few weeks, I need it!!!
ReplyDeleteCount me in!
ReplyDeleteI'm in! Need to actually make a commitment and stick to it!
ReplyDeleteGreat idea - will defo be joining in and sharing with our followers/customers :)
ReplyDeletegreat blog and nice idea :) i love the header. it's so nice and creative!
Can't wait =)
ReplyDeleteI'm in! Hoping to kick start the ww blog again this week in an attempt to make myself even more accountable!
ReplyDeleteI'm in - might as well since I'm plodding along this road anyway. :)
ReplyDeletelost nearly 7lbs in 8 weeks - another 7lb and I'll be rid of my first stone. Agonisingly slow but at least I'm making progress.
ty Doll xx
Count me in I'll join in ladies. X
ReplyDeleteCount me in on this one! :) Hopefully I won't just be ±0 for the next seven weeks... *laughs*
ReplyDeleteI'm definitely in!! Yay!
ReplyDeleteDefinatly in!!!! Totaly in need of a good kick up the behind n this will def keep me in check!!!
ReplyDeleteam in am in! Really need this ,my motivation has gone...
ReplyDeleteCount me in too - every added bit of motivation required at the moment! :)
ReplyDeletei'm in ... this sounds like a really good motivation session we all need.
ReplyDeleteI'm totally in....need the motivation and help x
ReplyDeletei am totally in.. ive been selected to do the goldcard fashion show ting i dunno wats it is about but basically ive 7weeks to lose 9lbs..
ReplyDeleteCount me in too :-D
ReplyDeleteIm in i need de motivation im gone off track gained 2lb over last 2 weeks and havn lost in last mth :(
ReplyDeleteCount me in, ideally I would like to loose 10 pound but knowing how attached my body is to its fat. I may be a bit slower but imagine 7. ......
ReplyDeleteI'm in! if i could get 8lbs by easter i'd be thrilled!that would be 2 stone gone.... would be delighted! :P
ReplyDeleteCount me in! Great idea :-)
ReplyDeleteI read this blog every week and check-in on the info here when I'm in need of inspiration! This is a great initiative - count me IN!
ReplyDeleteI am a newbie to this blog...what a wonderful way to motivate ourselves to loose those pesky pounds before the shorts season kicks into high gear..count me in
ReplyDeleteCount me in too ;-)
ReplyDeleteI'm in too. Great idea. Love the blog btw. Am now following you on twitter too.
ReplyDeleteCount me in going to aim for 12 lbs
ReplyDeleteYay count me in could do with some motivation :)
ReplyDeleteI'm in!! I'm AoifePM on twitter. Weighed in at 140 pounds on Sunday so hoping to come back 7lbs lighter by Easter Sunday!!
ReplyDeleteCan I join now even though you've already done the first week? I'm on WW, but seriously lacking motivation!