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Pizza bases...

Making your own pizza is easy... even if you don't make the dough... you can control the toppings and flavours and really bulk up on the freebie stuff and add all the herbs and seasoning to suit yourself and its fun to experiment...  

Some ready made pizza bases I've come across recently... and my own WW pita pizza..

Pizza Sorrento  - 13PP per base... 7PP per half

Pizza da Piero - 10PP per base

Tesco Everyday Value Pizza base - 21PP per base (!)

WW pita breads are 3 PP each and perfect for mini pizzas!

Bases are 3PP each...

Add a teaspoon of tomato paste to each one... 

and get building... 

You can add protein, chicken or wafer thin ham or whatever you fancy... 

Some low fat cheese to add meltiness, for 3PP... and season... look out for italian seasonings they're YUM!

Under the grill and TA DA! 


  1. Love the ww pitta pizzas, I make them all the time! One difference though, I halve the pittas for a lovely thin crispy base and you get two bases for 3pp ��

    1. They're lovely aren't they! I usually make two and lunch is set for tomorrow too!


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