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WEEK 2 weigh in!

Week 2! Only 8 weeks left!!! We really won't feel it till summer is here although the weather is awful out there! So here's some tips I've to exercise when the weather is crap!

If you have steps in your house USE them! I know a girl in one of the classes I go to who brings her laundry upstairs one piece at a time! She can't afford a gym.. has a baby that she really doesn't want to leave so she drops each piece up and sweats it out! 

Another woman I know is a soap addict... and on a Monday she watchers, Coronation Street.. then Eastenders... then Corrie again... and then something else.. I can't remember what.. but for every add break she does 'step ups' on the yellow pages! Her husband thinks she's mad but she really goes for it! Again.. its free and you still get to see your telly! 

My favourite is to just get so mad at myself for slacking off that I storm out of the house and then 10 mins later I HAVE to turn around and come home! 20 mins walking .. and I always feel good after it! 

When you're boiling the kettle do squats... or chest presses against the wall! Don't stand idle! You can be working muscles waiting for your cuppa .. and if it hurts a little you'll be less likely to dunk a biccy into it! 

So heads down while the weather is crap and we're all too broke to go out and play! By the time we're ready to head out we'll all be at least one size smaller!

Doll x

PS: if I've missed you out .. shout out!!! 


  1. Hi Doll :) Im down another 2lb this week :D now im back to the weight i was before christmas :) only 9pounds to lose and ill be at my goal weight finally :) well done on ur lose this week :D Katie

    1. Fantastic! You're SO close! Keep up the FAB work! xxx

  2. Hi Doll I was down 1lb this week :-)

  3. I'm not sure where the -3.5 came from on my star on the chart but I was a STS last week and another STS this week. :-( Hitting a bit of a plateau so pushing the boat out in every way this week to try and break through it! Hopefully can see some movement next week.

  4. I lost 1.4 this week, I'm back to the end of November weight, and looking forwards to breaking into new fat this week!

  5. Hi Doll, started back at WW on a bad week my first week included 3 birthday dinners and a chrismtas lunch!! I miracoulously lost 0.5lb

  6. hi doll dont know if i left my message in the right place last night but i was down 2lbs last night ...good luck everyone

  7. Unfortunately Sts this week but hey go not going to beat myself up! My scales are crap might treat myself to ones that measure small increments then might see some sort of a loss any recommendations?

    1. ah TOTM might explain no loss as I was good this week (sorry if TMI :))

  8. Hey Doll, had a really good with but unfortunately it didn't show on the scales was up half a lb, but will carry on and hopefully I will have a good loss next week

  9. that should have read really good week ha ha

  10. Hi Doll. I was done 2lbs this week so I am back on track now for our challenge. Thanks for the motivation! Marguerite

  11. Does anyone know the propoints in banana chips? Doing this on my own at home

    1. Hi Niamh - If I am stuck knowing what points for stuff is I google it and put in the search or mini mins as they both have boards on ww so are very helpful! hope this helps and good luck :)

  12. Hi Doll, over the Christmas period I had three days off (not excessive eating) and had some nice stuff. I have gained three pounds. What I have found and always find is those three pounds gained over Christmas WILL NOT leave me. Any suggestions or advise?

  13. Hey Doll, Down 4lbs this week.. woo hoo :)

  14. Going through a break up so fell off the wagon big style last week! Joining a class tomorrow evening (haven't been to a class since last summer!) so I will be back with my weightloss next week! My bday this weekend so prob a waste joining this week as have 3 meals out but I think it will focus me a bit so I don't eat myself into oblivion!!

  15. Oh I never told you how I was getting on, duh. I was down 6lbs in week one and 2lbs this week. Great tips for the extra bitta exercise, hating this frost, afraid to go for a brisk walk in case I fall so have lugged the exercise bike in front of the telly!


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