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Real queens...

Happy International Womens' day! 

Today is the day we celebrate women... I started this blog because I felt lonely. I despaired at the journey ahead of me and I wondered if there was anyone else who felt the same... Just look at the amazing community we have online... The world is full of keyboard warriors who are happy to judge and put other women down to make themselves feel better... I've experienced this a lot online especially... If we all spent a bit more time supporting each other, it might drown out the haters... 

Here's a few amazing women in my life... 

My amazing mum... who is the best mum in the world... I dare ya to fight me! 

My friends, I don't have that many close friends but the couple I do have, I know I can rely on and that means more than anything...  

Michelle, my old WW leader... who's faith in people astounds me... she's an amazing human, whose words still sit with me every day... 

Mary B my weigh in buddy, you keep me accountable and on track more than you know! 

My counsellor, the woman who probable knows all the deep dark thoughts and helps me make sense of them all, I'd be in a very dark place without her...

The wonderful young women who my friends are raising... too many to mention but if everyone on the planet was a bit more like them, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in! The future looks brighter!

The women who take us to work, who work with us and on our behalf... who teach us and our children, who operate on us and care for us, who heal our souls, who help us through the day... Sometimes these women are just strangers but they are amazing strangers... Much respect to them all... the world wouldn't turn without any of them! 

I know we should be doing it every day but today, pick up the phone and tell some of the amazing women in your life just how amazing they really are! 

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