If ever you needed proof that weight loss is not linear here's the Covid19 weigh-ins since the 24th of March... Honestly I'm fine with it, all the stress, tears, worry, meltdowns, sadness, loneliness and downright fear and I haven't put any weight on... I've had the bad weeks when I've binged and thankfully not purged... I've cried myself to sleep and come down to the kitchen to eat my way through the feelings because it felt like that was the only answer, and in that moment, it was... but I've dusted myself down, got back on plan when I could and have lapped up the positive days, bought loads of fruit and just been kinder to myself... I'm here, my family are all safe and well, we're not going out other than to do the basics for another while yet, our choice and we're all fine with it... no judgement here... there's too many high risks in our family for us to undo all the hard work of the last few months so we're the ones still in masks and spraying anything that moves in front of us! So don't beat yourself up, it's a pandemic! If a cream bun makes you feel better then have it! No one ever expected we'd be safely tucked up in our houses complaining about hairdressers for the first half the year, or there'd be a bunch of madzers buying all the toilet rolls (they're the ones not buying it now btw!) ... We're all just coping with the emotions and the sadness... missed weddings, hugs desperately needed and just good old cups of tea and chats with people we love... the wagon is there, climb aboard when you're ready there's no panic... it's going no where... and we'll all get on when we're good and ready.
Weigh-ins from 23/3/2020 - 9/6/2020
and it's ALL GOOD!
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