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Granola with Notions from Kellogg’s

So I saw me some fancy pants granola in Dealz this week! I LOVE granola and I'm more than happy to spend the points for a bit of crunch on my fruit and greek yoghurt in the morning... These will have the all the notions in the cupboards!  Anyone tried them out? x

Kellogg's Crunchy Nut Granola - Caramelised Hazelnuts
15g - 3SP
30g - 6SP
45g - 9SP

Kellogg's Crunchy Nut Granola - Hazelnut & Chocolate
15g - 3SP
30g - 6SP
45g - 9SP

Kellogg's Creations Granola - 70% Cocoa Chocolate & Honey Roasted Almonds
15g - 3SP
30g - 5SP
45g - 8SP

Kellogg's Creations Granola - Pecan Nuts, Honeycomb & Roasted Almonds
15g - 3SP
30g - 5SP
45g - 8SP

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