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Go the extra mile...

You know when you think 'that's it.. I just can't do anymore... I've nothing left.. I'm knackered...' We're only fit for the couch or bed... well, we THINK we're only fit for the couch or bed! Honestly, there's more in the tank than we realise... When I had my Oprah 'aha' moment, I trusted an army officer, a stranger with my life for a week... I promised him I'd do whatever he told me to and he wouldn't make me do anything that I wasn't capable of... I whinged... I cried... I yelled 'it hurts' a lot... Swiftly followed but 'I don't want to' temper tantrum mode... I was full of it, telling him everything I can't do... but by the end of the week... I realised I was capable of so much more that I ever thought... 

At one point he told me I had to do 100 crunches... I actually laughed at him, which was quickly followed by terror when I realised he wasn't joking... I couldn't do 10 crunches let alone 100... I was super morbidly obese... walking hurt! This fella had officially flipped... Did the army realise they've got a bunch of crazies in there?! But he believed in me, so as far as he was concerned it was going to happen... even if it took all day! He sat on the ground holding my fat ankles, and counted... I kept up the 'I can't do it... it hurts...' until I got to 55... FIFTY FIVE... and it clicked... not only did I think I could I do it... but I started to believe I was going to do it easily... Yes it hurt but it wasn't life or death pain... most of it was mental torture to be honest! 

Life is all about self belief... he already had faith in me... he knew I had the strength to just get it done but I was letting all the little lazy voices in my head tell me I wasn't able... I wasn't good enough... I did the 100... and cried at the end...  I cried a lot that week to be fair... 

So this week, when you think you can't do something, don't listen to the voice in your head... push yourself that little bit further... because you can! We really can do so much more than we realise... 

Lets rock it this week


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